WUHAN-GATES – 79. mRNA KILLER VACCINES Ready Before COVID PANDEMIC. Exclusive DARPA Paper proves Plot among Pentagon, Gates & Moderna

By Fabio Giuseppe Carlo CarisioVERSIONE IN ITALIANO«A primary objective of DARPA’s Biological Technologies Office (BTO) is to better ensure the health, and thereby the force readiness, of the country’s military service community. The COVID-19 pandemic, which rapidly spread worldwide from an initial outbreak in China at the end of 2019, highlights one of the most perilous vulnerabilities to deployed military personnel and civilians: lack of protection and medical countermeasures (MCMs) against endemic and emerging biothreats. DARPA’s investments in this space led, directly, with the biotechnology firm Moderna as a contracted performer on the program, to a first-ever human clinical trial with an RNA vaccine in 2019».
DARPA’s ADEPT Project on SARS Viruses
The project is called ADEPT (subtitle Advancing National Security Through Fundamental Research), it is signed by DARPA, that is, the very powerful military agency of the Pentagon: the Department of Defense of the United States of America.
DARPA is the acronym for Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. It is one of the most powerful and secret military research centers in the world that controls various biological laboratories at Fort Detrick, the best-equipped bacteriological weapons development center in the world.
In the short one-page ADEPT dossier, discovered by our skilled Italian computer researcher who worked at IBM, there is in just a few lines the meaning of the story of the Covid-19 pandemic, caused by a SARS-Cov-2 built in a laboratory as denounced not only by the late biologist Luc Montagnier but also by the retired US Army colonel Lawrence Sellin, someone who worked in the maximum security Bsl-4 biolaboratories at Fort Detrick.
The laboratory origin of SARS-Cov-2 has also been officially confirmed by the US Congress in two different dossiers of the Senate Health Committee and the Subcommittee of the House of Representatives.
From the document that we are publishing as a world preview, some data of tremendous importance emerge, confirming that the Covid virus was created as part of an international experiment between the European Union, China, the USA and other countries of the Anglo-Saxon intelligence agreement Five-Eyes such as Canada, Australia and above all the United Kingdom.
- «In 2012 with the ADEPT:PROTECT program*, DARPA began investing in the development of gene-encoded vaccines, a new category of preventive measures based on DNA or RNA. In this approach, genes that encode immune-stimulating antigens, such as the spike proteins on the surfaces of viruses like the one (SARS-CoV-2) that causes COVID-19, are delivered directly to a recipient’s body. There, the instructions carried in the DNA or RNA elicit the body’s own cells to manufacture the antigenic viral protein, which, in turn, elicits an immune response to the virus».
- «Moderna subsequently used company funding to conduct a Phase I clinical trial with 22 healthy volunteers using an mRNA-encoded ChikV antibody. This marked the first safety demonstration of an RNA-based medical countermeasure. Moderna reported these promising results of its clinical study in 2019. The trial demonstrated platform safety as well as the ability to generate protective levels of functional antibody in humans. In response to COVID-19, Moderna in March 2020 initiated human trials of gene-encoded antibodies that target SARS-CoV-2».
- «Research by Moderna and other ADEPT performers has provided proof-of- concept results that simultaneously delivering gene-encoded antibody treatment and vaccine confers the recipient with immediate immune protection while a long-term immune response develops».
- «Other government agencies – including the DoD’s Joint Program Executive Office for Chemical, Biologic, Radiological, and Nuclear Defense (JPEO-CBRND), the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA), and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID) – also have recognized the power of gene-encoded antibody technology to fight a range of biothreats
and infectious diseases».
The full text of the DARPA ADEPT dossier in the links among the sources at the bottom of the article.
The Pentagon Collaboration with Moderna funded by Gates
These three sentences from the DARPA ADEPT Dossier confirm the fact that research on mRNA vaccines was developed together with Moderna since 2012
and, therefore, the human gene built in the laboratory by the American Big Pharma of Cambridge in 2016, which has a genomic sequence almost identical to SARS-Cov-2 as discovered by a group of world-famous virologists, was the result of this very dangerous research, which began in the distant 2004 at the Wuhan Institute of Virology thanks to the Clinton-Zemin agreement on bacteriological weapons and the funding of the European Commission (EPISARS project).
Not only that.
They confirm, as claimed by the American patent expert David E. Martin, author of the book The Fauci Dossier, that the NIAID directed by Fauci played a fundamental role in this research.
The researcher, during the last International Covid Summit conference held at the European Parliament, accused the US of having intentionally spread the enhanced virus in the laboratory.
Finally, the DARPA document also highlights that Moderna started its clinical trials on Covid-19 already in 2019, well before the Wuhan outbreak (which occurred after the shipment of US soldiers to China for the Military Games in October 2019) became a global threat due to the first genotype of SARS-Cov-2, much more lethal than the subsequent Delta and Omicron variants.
According to the evidence collected by Martin, Moderna’s patent for the Covid mRNA Spikevax vaccine prototype was patented and registered in March 2019, that is, 9 months before the discovery of the first outbreak and almost a year before the WHO declared a pandemic on March 11, 2020.
Scandal in Italy: Minister Speculations with DARPA on Inovio Vaccines
But there is still a very very interesting detail to read in the DARPA-Adept dossier, especially for its relevance in the context of Italian politics:
«DARPA’s R&D investments to de-risk the pathway to gene-based medical countermeasures have spurred like- minded innovators. In addition to Moderna, several other companies, including AstraZeneca and Inovio, have made major investments in this budding biomedical field. These DARPA investments also spurred the biotech firm RenBio to work toward optimizing the delivery of gene- based MCMs for increased efficacy and tolerability».
SCIENCE: Possible Misconduct found in Cancer Papers from Italian Minister of Health
It should be remembered that in Italy the scandal broke out over the conflicts of interest of the Minister of Health Orazio Schillaci, chosen by Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni on the probable suggestion of the President of the Italian Republic Sergio Mattarella.
The company Inovio Pharmaceuticals (Plymouth Meeting, Pennsylvania), of which Schillaci holds 2 thousand shares, is in fact in great global competition to develop a vaccine against the coronavirus thanks to unfortunately very well-known partners.
«On October 26, 2021, the World Health Organization launched a global trial on Covid-19 called the Solidarity Trial Vaccines. Inovio INO-4800 was chosen as the first DNA vaccine to be introduced in the largest vaccine trial in history. The countries of Colombia, Mali and the Philippines have announced their participation with several other countries yet to be named. The WHO is directly funding this study» writes Wikipedia.
Pentagon Studies on Covid before the Pandemic
According to documents collected by Russia in bacteriological laboratories in Ukraine, research on Covid-19 was funded by the Pentagon well before the global biological alarm.
«The U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) awarded a contract on November 12, 2019 to Labyrinth Global Health INC. for “COVID-19 research,” at least a month before the novel coronavirus was supposedly discovered and three months before it was officially dubbed Covid-19».
This occurred following other research projects on Coronaviruses implemented in the 12 bacteriological laboratories opened in Ukraine by the Pentagon when Leon Panetta became US Secretary of Defense.
Panetta was former director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) who for years had supervised similar projects in the countries of the former Soviet Union thanks to the DTRA (Defense Threat Reduction Agency) agreement signed between Washington and Moscow.
«Vaccines are the traditional mainstay of long-term infection prevention, while antibody approaches have at times been used to treat active infections. In one antibody-based approach that is being applied on a small scale in the current pandemic, blood serum with presumably protective antibodies obtained from those who have recovered from an infection is infused into patients. In more recent decades, monoclonal antibodies manufactured in cultured immune-system cells have been used to treat certain cancers and immune disorders».
This is what DARPA wrote in its ADEPT dossier, supporting a scientific belief on the efficacy and safety of mRNA genetic serums that has now been tragically denied by hundreds of studies based also on the deaths of vaccinated people and on the ineffectiveness of the vaccine reported even by the journal Science.
«However, these treatments have suffered from shortcomings – including slow development, expensive manufacture, and dependence on continuous cold storage – that have prevented widespread use by the military».
DARPA itself pointed out in its paper to demonstrate the urgency of funding for the development of Moderna’s mRNA genetic serums piloted by Fauci and funded by Gates.
The Pentagon’s Moderna Vaccine Promotion
«Research by Moderna and other ADEPT performers has provided proof-of- concept results that simultaneously delivering gene-encoded antibody treatment and vaccine confers the recipient with immediate immune protection while a long-term immune response develops».
It is another erroneous conclusion from the Pentagon agency that has produced irreversible damage to millions of people and even caused the death of tens of thousands of them, as confirmed by multiple scientific studies.
It is indisputable proof that not only were mRNA vaccines financed as part of a military dictatorship project but that they are the direct consequence, previously studied, of a laboratory virus produced in the United States of America with the complicity of Gates, Fauci, Moderna and the Pentagon.
We will see what the next president Donald Trump will be capable of doing to unmask one of the greatest crimes against humanity… Or whether, for a quiet life, to come to terms with Big Pharma.
WUHAN-GATES – 77. Biden’s US GOVT, EU are PAYING Scientists to HIDE SARS-Cov-2 Man-Made BioWeapon
As the dinner with the CEOs of pharmaceutical companies organized in recent days in his Mar-a-Lago villa in Palm Beach by his lobbyist consultant Susie Wiles, which was also attended by the NO-VAX lawyer Robert F. Kennedy Jr., would lead one to think. chosen by Trump as the future Secretary of Health despite the opposition of many Republicans who could sabotage his nomination…
Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio
director of Gospa News
investigative journalist since 1991
VT columnist since 2019
reproduction prohibited without authorization
follow Fabio G.C. Carisio on Twitter
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