“US BIO-LABS of KILLER VIRUSES from Ukraine to Africa”. Russian MoD Unveils Pandemic WARFARE by Pentagon together Gates & Clinton Foundations

“US BIO-LABS of KILLER VIRUSES from Ukraine to Africa”. Russian MoD Unveils Pandemic WARFARE by Pentagon together Gates & Clinton Foundations


In the cover image Gates, Clinton and Russian General Rtishchev

by Carlo Domenico Cristofori


Major General Aleksei Rtishchev, Deputy Chief of the Nuclear, Chemical, and Biological Protection Troops of the Russian Armed Forces, recently delivered a briefing highlighting U.S. biological activity in Africa. In the following excerpt, he states, “The US administration views the region as an unlimited natural reservoir of dangerous infectious agents and a testing ground for experimental medical drugs.”:

The documents available to the Russian Defense Ministry show that the United States is ramping up its biological warfare presence on the African continent, Deputy Chief of Russia’s Radiation, Chemical and Biological Protection Troops Major General Aleksey Rtishchev told a briefing on Tuesday.

Russia’s top brass: “US ramping up biological warfare presence in Africa”

“The documents at our disposal confirm that the US biological warfare presence on the African continent is growing at a rapid pace. Research institutes of the US Department of Defense actively work in the region,” the defense official said.

For example, branches of the US National Naval Military Medical Center are stationed in Ghana and Djibouti where active work is carried out in natural disease foci, isolation and sequencing of pathogens, the Russian general said.

The US Army Military Medical Center in Kenya has deployed a network of field stations to monitor the spread of infectious diseases in Equatorial Africa. In Nigeria, a joint medical research center and a military medical laboratory of the armed forces of the republic have been established in 2024, with 10 specialists of the US Department of Defense permanently on staff, he said.

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The statement comes just days after the horrific bomb attack in which Ukrainian intelligence, with the support of Western intelligence, killed General Igor Kirillov, commander of Nuclear, Chemical, and Biological Protection Troops of the Russian Armed Forces, in revenge for his investigations into Ukrainian biolaboratories and to nip in the bud his investigations into African ones.

The official Russian statement confirms what has already been discovered in multiple previous investigations by Gospa News on viruses analyzed and manipulated in Pentagon biolaboratories such as SARS-Cov-2.

The Pentagon uses the relevant infrastructure and potential of African countries to conduct military-biological research. The US government customers are the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA), the National Security Agency and the US State Department.

The main consumers of the research results are the US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) and the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, he said.

“At the same time, the United States does not disclose the ultimate goals of the experiments to partners, who are often unaware of the risks associated with the implementation of US programs,” the Russian general said.

American specialists capable of enhancing the pathogenic functions of microorganisms are actively operating in Africa. The Russian Defense Ministry has unveiled which officials from the United States and various African nations are involved in the implementation of military biological programs on the African continent

“After analyzing the acquired documents, we understood the structure of the system created by the US Administration to mitigate biological risks on the territory of other countries. This system has been successfully tested in Ukraine and Georgia and now it actively works on the African continent,”  Deputy Chief of the Nuclear, Chemical, and Biological Protection Troops of the Russian Armed Forces Major General Alexey Rtishchev said. told a briefing.

UKRAINE BIOLABS – 6. DTRA DOSSIER on Bacteriological Weapons and Russia-US Deal. Putin Betrayed by Obama & Pentagon in Kiev and Tbilisi

The efforts within the framework of this system are directed at acquiring pathogens in endemic areas and natural foci, controlling and managing the biological situation for their own benefit, Rtishchev stressed, adding that one of the tasks is analyzing the epidemic situations along the borders of geopolitical rivals in the presumed deployment areas of military contingents.

U.S. African Biolab Complex Sponsored by the Gates and Clinton Foundations

Washington deploys the system of biological controls in Africa according to a plan that was used before, he noted.

“I would like to remind you that the deployment of the American system of biological controls goes according to a plan that was used before. Concerns are primarily raised about regular outbreaks of, for example, anthrax and tularemia in one region, and foot-and-mouth disease and plague in the another,” Rtishchev said.

As a rule, these concerns are pointed out during meetings between US ambassadors and representatives of the countries’ health ministries, the official said.

“American counterparts note that such outbreaks undermine the development of the region’s economic potential. They question the training level of leadership and specialists, when it comes to neutralizing biological threats, and state the need to improve their qualifications. Against this background, it is proposed to establish a center for disease diagnostics and testing of medical products within one or two years, which will study dangerous pathogens and mechanisms of their mutations, and develop and test modern vaccines,” he said.

It is also planned to involve local specialists in the research projects of the US DoD Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA), according to Rtishchev.

WUHAN-GATES – 62. MANMADE SARS-Cov-2 FOR GOLDEN VACCINES: Metabiota, CIA, Biden, Gates, Rockefeller intrigued in Ukraine, China and Italy

“It is proposed that the US is to prepare a three-month training programme for the center’s employees. The integration of regional information systems into the US electronic disease surveillance system is discussed. The representatives of the Defense Threat Reduction Agency often advise their partners to accelerate that process and pay particular attention to ensuring the non-stop work of the necessary equipment and network communications,” he said, adding that $5-10 mln are allocated to achieve these goals with a possible increase in funding up to $20 mln, “taking into account the implementation of the first phase of the project.”

The US government authorities and private contracting companies, including the so-called Big Pharma enterprises, are involved in organizing cooperation with local relevant ministries, Rtishchev concluded.

The following are sponsors of these biological activities, including but not limited to the Gates Foundation and Clinton Foundation

The US is actively engaged in:

  • Nigeria: A joint medical research center and a military medical laboratory for the armed forces were established in 2024.
  • Kenya: The US Army Military Medical Center has deployed a network of field stations to monitor the spread of infectious diseases throughout Equatorial Africa.
  • Senegal: A new $35 million laboratory facility is nearing completion. This project involves the same Pentagon contractors that have worked in the former Soviet Union, including Armenia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, and Ukraine.
  • Ghana and Djibouti: The US has established branches of the National Naval Medical Center and is actively addressing natural disease outbreaks and isolating pathogens.

Update! WUHAN-GATES 43. SARS-BioWeapon & Shady Conspirators of China-US-WHO-EU Pandemic. Clinton & the Exterminator of Tiananmen

Mysterious Disease X in Congo after Gates-Usaid projects on Malaria

For 2 years now, the scientific mainstream led by the WHO and its director Tedros Adhanon Ghebreyesus, an Ethiopian biologist and former political leader of the terrorists, Islamists and communists of the Tigray People’s Liberation Front, has been raising the alarm about “Disease X” which has now become a real nightmare in Congo

More than 10 days after the official announcement, the virology experts of the World Health Organization have not yet been able to identify this infectious pathology of a respiratory nature but with symptoms also similar to those of malaria as specified by the UN health agency itself in its official note of December 8, 2024.

CLASH OF THE TITANS to SHARE the LOOT ON COVID VACCINES with GATES. Legal Actions by GSK (led by Microsoft manager) vs Moderna and Pfizer on mRNA Patents

As a well-known infectious disease specialist explains in an interview (video below), the WHO has recently updated the unofficial information after taking blood samples from patients affected by disease X, communicating that 8 out of 10 tested positive for Malaria. Also positive is the Italian who died after his return from Congo due to hemorrhagic fever (read below).

Curiously, in the Democratic Republic of Congo in June 2022 the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation financed the PATH Malaria project also developed in 40 other nations, mostly in Africa, together with the London-based pharmaceutical giant GSK (managed by a Microsoft director confirming Gates’ investments) and one of the main suspects in the international intrigue of the laboratory SARS-Cov-2: the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).

more details about HERE inside ITALIAN VERSION with machine translation in all languages available


United States is conducting a project in 18 African countriessince 2014

The United States is conducting a project in 18 African countries to study the characteristics of infection occurrence and the resistance of pathogens to medical treatments. Washington is deliberately exploiting the economic challenges faced by African nations in healthcare to organize research schemes, the general cautions.

Rtishev noted that the US fears Russia and China may expose American military and biological ploys. The United States often does not disclose the ultimate goals of its experiments to partners, who are frequently unaware of the associated risks.

  • In 2014, the United States illegally received Ebola virus samples exported from Sierra Leone.
  • Pathogens that fall into the Pentagon’s area of interest later emerge as a pandemic, with American pharmaceutical companies reaping the benefits.

African Population and Children as Guinea-Pigs for Pentagon, Metabiota (Bidens) & Gates Experiments on Virus, Vaccines

«In summary, the Biopharmaceutical Complex operates a large network of biolabs in Africa, where dangerous gain-of-function experiments are performed and novel drugs/injections are developed/tested» noted Nicolas Hulscher, MPH, Epidemiologist and Foundation Administrator, McCullough Foundation.

There must be an immediate and complete global moratorium on gain-of-function research, along with comprehensive investigations into the growing number of U.S. and international biolabs—including their funders—that may be conducting bioweapon research, to prevent another man-made pandemic».

Russian military: “Pentagon begins research of dangerous infectious agents in Zambia”

“This year, the Pentagon started active research of highly dangerous infectious agents in Zambia. At the same time, funding was directed at improving the capacity of military medical facilities and retraining medical personnel,” added Major General Alexey Rtishchev.

“MONKEYPOX: Another Virus ManMade in BioLabs”. Discoveries by Perez and McCullough. Alleged GOF Use

According to Rtishchev, “the United States is working with South Africa to establish a collaborative study of the monkeypox virus at the South African Institute for Vector-borne Diseases.”

“Washington has donated 10,000 doses of a vaccine for the disease, produced by the Danish company Bavarian Nordic, which has not received final approval from the WHO and can be used only in high-risk individuals,” he added.

Carlo Domenico Cristofori



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WUHAN-GATES – 79. mRNA KILLER VACCINES Ready Before COVID PANDEMIC. Exclusive DARPA Paper proves Plot among Pentagon, Gates & Moderna

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UKRAINE BIOLABS – 9. “Dangerous Avian Flu Virus inside US Military Biological Activities” Warning by Russian Military Expert


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Carlo Domenico Cristofori

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