TURBO-CANCER, HEARTBREAK & TOXIC SPIKE. Lethal Risks from Covid mRNA Vaccines: Exclusive Interviews with 3 World-Famous Italian MD

TURBO-CANCER, HEARTBREAK & TOXIC SPIKE. Lethal Risks from Covid mRNA Vaccines: Exclusive Interviews with 3 World-Famous Italian MD


by Piero Angelo De Ruvo


All articles in Italian version linked below can be read in English or in other languages thanks to machine translation available clicking on the flags window up left

The COVID-19 pandemic has led to a widespread use of vaccines, whose adverse and/or unwanted effects have been deliberately ignored, and at best underestimated by those doctors who have amnesia have forgotten the oath of Hippocrates.

But what is the scientific evidence that supports and argues for the concept that COVID vaccines are associated with significant adverse effects?

VACCINES’ HOLOCAUST worse than HIROSHIMA one! Thanks 8 World Studies US Epidemiologist Estimates More Deaths from mRNA Genetic Serum than 121 Nuclear Bombs

In this article we summarize the scientific evidence on adverse effects and how much have influenced in our lives the COVID vaccines, research carried out by doctors and researchers published in PEER REVIEW on international medical journals, and finding out whether or not these effects are significant.

Three different studies leading to one result.

Oncologist Gentilini: “Turbo-Cancer Alarm from Vaccines”

The first of these studies that we will observe, is that of Dr Patrizia Gentilini, an oncologist who for over 30 years worked in the oncology department in Forlì (Emilia-Romagna).
In a passage of his work, the former Chief of Oncology states:

“The use of mRNA vaccines in the context of infectious diseases is unprecedented and many are still unknown in this regard, since it is not clear from which cells of the body, after inoculation, the protein Spike is produced, how much it is produced, how long and where it is distributed”.

So, the Spike protein could represent a danger to those who have accepted the vaccination requirement imposed by law.

“TURBO-CANCRO DOPO VACCINI COVID: Casi Reali ma la Scienza Censura”. Intervista Esclusiva all’Oncologa Patrizia Gentilini

“In fact the spike vaccine was found in the bone marrow, brain, ovaries and especially in the heart muscle even after many months, continues Dr Gentilini, in a recent and exclusive interview with Gospa News, The vaccine spike (distinguishable from that of natural disease) was found at a distance of 69 days up to 6 months in vaccinated subjects, but not in healthy controls, nor in subjects who had made the disease naturally”.

The interview also addresses the worrying issues related to Turbo cancer and the disturbing data on the increase of cancer.

FDA Study Confirms DNA contamination in Pfizer Covid-19 vaccines highlighted by Florida General Surgeon

Doctor Donzelli: “Vaccinated More at Risk of Death than Unvaccinated”

«The main point of the research is that the vaccination against Covid-19 has not “saved lives”».

It is the disconcerting conclusion of Dr. Alberto Donzelli, who in an interview, also this exclusive to Gospa News, shows in his Slides, with graphs and scientific evidence, the danger of death “all-cause death”, which refers to death from any cause after inoculation and the efficacy of the vaccine itself. Italian research published by one of the most authoritative medical journals, the MPDI (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute).

Yjios study has as first signatory Marco Alessandria, the Department of Life Sciences and Systems Biology of the University of Turin, then Giovanni M. Malatesta, Scientific Committee of the Foundation “Allineare Sanità e Salute”, Pistoia, also Franco Berrino, Department of Predictive and Preventive Medicine, IRCCS Foundation National Institute of Tumors, Milan, and finally Alberto Donzelli of the Independent Medical-Scientific Commission, President of the Foundation “Allineare Sanità e Salute” of Milan.

“MORE DEATHS among VACCINATED than among NON-VACCINATED”. Peer-reviewed MDPI Study pointed out by US Doctors

This work had the good fortune to be grafted on an original work that had been published on VACCINES by the University of Ferrara and Bologna, which the Asl of the province of Pescara had given a date set with the 300,000 inhabitants of the province and with the situation of the dead in relation to the vaccination status. This university had stated that vaccines were good, although the Universities of Bologna and Ferrara had admitted that mortality from all causes “all-cause death” was actually higher in those vaccinated with one or two doses than in those not vaccinated, they too found out”. Dr Donzelli, who concludes the interview (with a startling statement: “we found that subjects with 2 doses lost 3.6 months of life compared to unvaccinated subjects and also subjects with 3 or more doses lost 1.3 months of life. So, they actually died first and more”.

“Vaccinated at Higher Risk for Covid Infection and Hospitalization”. Vital, Heavy Study by Estonian University of Tartu

Biologist Teodori: “Heartbreak Risk for Toxic Spike”

The latest research that we highlight and that fits perfectly into a disturbing health puzzle of blackmail experienced in recent years, is that of the biologist professor Laura Teodori, already a professor at the University of Rome Tor Vergata in Applied Medical Technical Sciences and research director of ENEA, the National Agency for New Technologies, which Gospa News interviewed exclusively for its readers.

“mRNA messenger can enter the heart cells, the heart is a muscle that looks very similar to the striated muscle, even if it has its own typical…. mRNA, which I have studied, has advantages, but not of the optics of vaccine therapy, they are two fields that diverge”.

“RISCHI DI CREPACUORE DA SPIKE TOSSICA DEI VACCINI COVID E PERICOLI MICRO-RNA”. Allarme Scientifico della Biologa di Fama Mondiale prof. Laura Teodori

This is one of the disconcerting confirmations of what we are daily witnessing, namely worrying growing phenomena of myocarditis and pericarditis. “Already in 2021, She concludes, when it was not yet mandatory (the vaccine ndr) and then in 2022, just because I studied it, I said that “messenger RNA can enter into heart cells, the heart is a muscle that looks very similar to the striated muscle, the heart muscle has its own typicality, cardiomyocytes contract and it is very sensitive to an electrical aspect, but it has a physiology very similar to the skeletal muscle. The spike of the so-called vaccine enters the cardiomyocytes and the spike is toxic, although there are people who keep saying that the spike is not toxic, but there are many jobs that spike is toxic”.

“Dangerous AutoAntibodies by Covid Vaccines”. Shocking Italian Study explains Pathogenic Damages to Vascular, Nervous systems

In the interview  the researcher, studying skeletal muscle and heart muscle illustrates this problem that affects and continues to affect thousands of young people of sport, but also workers like pilots.


In addition to these three studies, carried out with the few funds at their disposal, but with such professionalism and willingness to go beyond “tachypirine and vigilant waiting” where in the darkest years of health blackmail was distributed only terror, instead of adequate care, and where the only salvation, in spite of science, was the vaccine.

937% Increase in Heart Failure among Vaccinated US Military Personnel: Unclassified DOD Data on Navy Pilots

Listening to these three distinguished doctors, especially seeing recognized their research by international scientific journals we can summarize without a shadow of doubt that the vaccine anti-covid mRNA “, in subjects with 2 doses lose about 3.6 months of life compared to unvaccinated subjects, “while it is not clear from which cells of the body, after inoculation, the Spike protein is produced, how much is produced, for how long and where it is distributed”, witnessing an increase in metastases.

SCIENCE Journal: “COVID-19 Vaccines FAILURE!”. Spike Proteins Too Far Apart in SARS-Cov-2, Immune Cells Flop

But the messenger mRNA can also enter into the heart cells, the spike of the so-called vaccine enters cardiomyocytes and the spike is toxic, so there is an increase in myocardite and pericarditis.

Piero Angelo De Ruvo

Retired Italian Army NCO.. Former military unionist

Each link to previous Gospa News articles was added retrospectively by the Editorial Staff


VITAL! Integration of Pfizer Vaccines Toxic Spike inside Human DNA. Protein Fragments found in White Blood Cells by Italian Study

SPIKE-DEMIC among Vaccinated: 83 % hit by PCVS Syndrome. Indian Study confirmed Gates, Big Pharma’s Health Disaster

WUHAN-GATES – 79. mRNA KILLER VACCINES Ready Before COVID PANDEMIC. Exclusive DARPA Paper proves Plot among Pentagon, Gates & Moderna

ELEVATO RISCHIO DI MORTALITA’ TRA I VACCINATI COVID. Intervista al dottor Alberto Donzelli con Slide Esclusive di un’Allarmante Ricerca



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Piero Angelo De Ruvo

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