“mRNA VACCINES NANOPARTICLES KILL THE HEART” NATURE Study Confirms Biochemist Segalla’s Warnings Ignored by Italian Ministers and Magistrates

“mRNA VACCINES NANOPARTICLES KILL THE HEART” NATURE Study Confirms Biochemist Segalla’s Warnings Ignored by Italian Ministers and Magistrates


In the cover image the Italian Biochemist Gabriele Segalla who first in the world warned the Covid Vaccines’ LNP damage now confirmed by Nature study but was ignored by Italian Ministers and Magistrates

by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio


«We demonstrate that intramuscularly injected LNPs carrying SARS-CoV-2 spike mRNA reach heart tissue, leading to proteome changes, suggesting immune activation and blood vessel damage (as myocarditis and pericarditis – ed».

This is the conclusion reached by a study developed using a new sophisticated software by numerous medical scientists from various prestigious German institutes: Jie Luo, Muge Molbay, Ying Chen, Izabela Horvath, Karoline Kadletz, Benjamin Kick, Shan Zhao contributed equally to the work, supported by another thirty colleagues from three research centers:

  • Institute for Intelligent Biotechnologies (iBIO), Helmholtz Center Munich, Neuherberg, Germany
  • Institute for Stroke and Dementia Research, Klinikum der Universität München, Ludwig-Maximilians University Munich, Munich, Germany
  • Munich Cluster for Systems Neurology (SyNergy), Munich, Germany
Abstract of the new Study published in Nature Biotechnology

This research is of fundamental importance for three reasons

  • it confirms the seriousness of the risk of cardiac inflammation related to mRNA Covid vaccines whose dangers Pfizer ignored despite knowing their alarming impact on young people since 2021
  • it supports the previous research on the damage caused by lipid nanoparticles reported in a world preview by the Italian biochemist Gabriele Segalla on Pfizer genetic serums (then reported by other studies including that of former researchers of Big Pharma Moderna)
  • it reiterates once again the nightmare of lethal adverse reactions for all vaccinated people who should resort to a blood test as soon as possible to understand if and how the Toxic Spike (together with the dangerous excipients of the LNP) are still circulating in their body after months, as discovered by the Milanese bioimmunologist Mauro Mantovani

SCANDALl! Pfizer Knew very Soon that its Covid mRNA Vaccine caused Heart Damage on Kids. But has Used them as Guinea-Pig

The Abstract of the Important German Study

«Efficient and accurate nanocarrier development for targeted drug delivery is hindered by a lack of methods to analyze its cell-level biodistribution across whole organisms. Here we present Single Cell Precision Nanocarrier Identification (SCP-Nano), an integrated experimental and deep learning pipeline to comprehensively quantify the targeting of nanocarriers throughout the whole mouse body at single-cell resolution».

This is stated in the summary of the study by Luo et al. who conducted their experimentation on laboratory mice.

«SCP-Nano reveals the tissue distribution patterns of lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) after different injection routes at doses as low as 0.0005 mg kg−1—far below the detection limits of conventional whole body imaging techniques».

As the German medical researchers themselves explain in their introduction:

«A critical challenge across all nanocarrier strategies is maximizing specificity and efficiency for target tissues and cells while minimizing adverse and off-target effects».

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«We demonstrate that intramuscularly injected LNPs carrying SARS-CoV-2 spike mRNA reach heart tissue, leading to proteome changes, suggesting immune activation and blood vessel damage. SCP-Nano generalizes to various types of nanocarriers, including liposomes, polyplexes, DNA origami and adeno-associated viruses (AAVs), revealing that an AAV2 variant transduces adipocytes throughout the body. SCP-Nano enables comprehensive three-dimensional mapping of nanocarrier distribution throughout mouse bodies with high sensitivity and should accelerate the development of precise and safe nanocarrier-based therapeutics».

Commentary by Biochemist Gabriele Segalla

Biochemist Segalla comments on this relevant scientific evidence as follows:

«The study essentially

  •  confirms that the LNPs (lipid nanoparticles) of the vaccine transport the mRNA encoding the spike even to sites relatively far from the inoculation site
  • confirms that the LNPs arrive, intact, even in cardiac tissues, where the mRNA encodes the spike causing drastic changes in the cardiovascular proteome and thus provoking anomalous immune responses, damage to blood vessels, myocarditis, pericarditis

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  • confirms the idea that it is not the Spike protein that can circulate alone, reach the heart and cause the aforementioned damage: it is always the “Trojan horse” LNP-mRNA that first enters the cardiac tissues and then releases the Spike, etc. etc.
  • demonstrates that even using only LNPs, that is, deprived of their mRNA content, these still reach the heart and induce changes in the cardiac proteome, changes that the authors attribute to “metabolic processes, including ribosome activity, translation and cellular RNA metabolism”.

«In other words, LNPs alone are able to enter cardiac cells by endocytosis and interfere with the intracellular processes of cellular RNA translation, ergo they can express a high degree of intrinsic cytotoxicity as already explained in detail in my previous studies» explains Segalla.

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Images of Inflammatory Nanoparticles and Dangerous OFF-TARGET mRNA

To help professionals understand the importance of research, we publish 2 exemplary images of detection of the distribution of nanoparticles in laboratory animals, in particular in the liver, lungs and heart, highlighted by the SCP-Nano software that “reveals protein expression from mRNA provided by LNP and off-target LNP”.

Fig. 2: SCP-Nano—a deep-learning-based pipeline to segment and analyze all targeted cells.
a, Flowchart of the SCP-Nano pipeline. b, Customized 3D U-Net architecture of the SCP-Nano deep learning segmentation model. c, Comparison of the F1 (instance Dice) scores of SCP-Nano segmentation model with other models. d, Comparison of Imaris and SCP-Nano prediction accuracy using liver images. e, Illustration of the entire nanoparticle prediction pipeline. After obtaining the whole body dataset via light sheet microscopy, we used VR glasses for organ annotation, followed by the application of our SCP-Nano analysis algorithm to quantify the LNP distribution in the whole body. Example images are from the lung. Compared to the ground truth data, our algorithm accurately detects all different sizes of delivery events in the lung. f, Raw data of LNP distribution in the liver and instance-separated multicolor segmentation obtained by SCP-Nano. Each color represents a separate delivery event as predicted by the model. g, Continuous segmented slice views demonstrate single-cell segmentation.

Prof. Segalla focused on the high toxicity of the nanoparticles carrying the messenger RNA of the Spike protein of the SARS-Cov-2 vaccines aimed at triggering the antibody reaction for the alleged immunization from the Covid-19 disease, demonstrated to be temporary, poor and ineffective by a study recently published in the journal Science, and explained their very high inflammatory risk in various organs.

Fig. 4: SCP-Nano reveals protein expression from LNP-delivered mRNA and LNP off-targeting.
a. Whole body projection view of mRNA and EGFP protein expression 72 h after intramuscular injection of 0.0005 mg kg−1 EGFP mRNA-LNPs. b–d, Detailed views of the spleen (b), liver (c) and heart (d). e, Quantitative evaluation of the SCP-Nano segmentation model (fine-tuned on EGFP data) for detecting protein expression (FN, false negatives; FP, false positives; TP, true positives, compared to manual annotation). f. Body-wide distribution of SARS-CoV-2 spike S1 protein derived from LNP-delivered mRNA administered intramuscularly at 72 h after injection (f). Spike proteins were detected in the heart (f′). g, Confocal images of heart tissue sections stained for endothelial cells in capillaries using podocalyxin antibody (red), arteries using αSMA antibody (green) and spike S1 protein using a spike nanobody (yellow). h, PCA of mass-spectrometry-based proteomics data of different groups: spike LNP, EGFP LNP, no-cargo LNP and PBS. i, Top-level pathways in Reactome database differentially expressed between the two control groups (no-cargo LNP/PBS) and the combined spike LNP and EGFP LNP groups (n = 9, mean ± s.d.; one-way ANOVA). j,k, Same analysis for proteins upregulated in no-cargo LNP in comparison to the PBS (j) and in the spike mRNA in comparison to no-cargo LNP (k) (n = 9, mean ± s.d.; one-way ANOVA). l, Analysis of vascular health using typical protein markers (Supplementary Table 3) for the three different groups. NS P > 0.05, **P < 0.01 (n = 9; one-way ANOVA). i.m., intramuscular; PC, principal component; NS, not significant.

Serious Inflammatory Muscular Disorders after mRNA Vaccines. Korean Study confirms Segalla and McCullough Alarms. On Heart Dangers too

Scientific Studies Ignored by Italian Magistrates

Segalla also highlighted that this potential toxicity was well known to the European Medicines Agency (EMA)

from the moment it issued the emergency authorization for the marketing of the experimental mRNA gene sera, now the subject of the trial against the President of the European Commission Ursula Von der Leyen before the Court of Liège.

“European Medicines Agency Knew Toxicity of Pfizer Covid Vaccine”. Bombshell Study Published in US by an Italian BioChemist on Dangers mRNA-LNPs

A February 2022 study by Professor Markus Aldén (et al) of the Department of Clinical Sciences, Lund University, Malmö (Sweden) reported the alteration of human DNA precisely due to the deposit of the genomic set of Covid vaccines in the liver, as highlighted by the images of the one published in recent days by Duo et al. (look above)

This research was also reported by the judge of the Court of Florence Susanna Zanda in a ruling that she then sent to the Public Prosecutor’s Office in relation to the vaccinated people damaged and dead following the inoculation of the mRNA gene sera.

In response, the Minister of Justice Carlo Nordio of the Meloni Government, where the Minister of Health Orazio Schillaci sits, a partner of Big Pharma in macroscopic conflicts of interest, requested a disciplinary investigation against Dr. Zanda.

DENUNCIO’ LE MORTI DOPO VACCINI COVID: GIUDICE ZANDA NEL MIRINO. Nordio Istiga Azione Disciplinare al PG voluto da Mattarella

While Segalla’s first study on toxic nanoparticles, included in a complaint to the judiciary by the OSA Police union, led to the indictment for murder of the former Minister of Health Roberto Speranza who was later acquitted of all charges, just as is about to happen to Von der Leyen.

These correlations between medical studies published on the most important world research TOTALLY IGNORED in the context of the usual Italian miscarriage of justice are fundamental to understanding the political cover-up of the social alarm on the damage from Covid vaccines which has instead been received in all its gravity by 14 American attorneys general.

Former Italian Health Minister under Investigation for Murder, Falsehood and Dangerous Drugs due to Covid Vaccination

In Italy, however, Minister Schillaci, together with the local authorities most intrigued with Bill Gates and his criminal project of global immunization such as the Piedmont Region, continue to promote the campaign despite a myriad of side effects, even serious and lethal, reported by the most important university hospitals in the world and published in the most prestigious scientific journals.

The Ministry of Health recommends them even to the most fragile patients even though they have never been tested specifically for this at-risk category and are not recommended by the surgeon general of Florida.

Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio
director of Gospa News
investigative journalist since 1991
VT columnist since 2019
reproduction prohibited without authorization
follow Fabio G.C. Carisio on Twitter
and Gospa News on Telegram


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Fabio G.C. Carisio

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