USAID: Soros’ Secret Cash Cow for Color Revolutions and NATO’s Coup in Ukraine (exclusive Dossier)

USAID: Soros’ Secret Cash Cow for Color Revolutions and NATO’s Coup in Ukraine (exclusive Dossier)


by Carlo Domenico Cristofori

Open society: “the main implementer of USAID’s aid

Is US taxpayer money fueling George Soros’ global influence?

Let’s find out shady activity of United States Agency for International Development (USAID), just blocked by Elkon Mausk in a DOGE operation under Trump Administration.

  • US conservative think tank the Heritage Foundation claimed in 2017 that George Soros’ Open Society Foundations (OSF) had been made “the main implementer of USAID’s aid” since at least 2009.
  • But the Soros-USAID collaboration began much earlier. A 1993 USAID document shows the agency signed an agreement with the Soros Foundations’ Management Training Program to train 30 “professionals” from Bulgaria, Estonia, Poland, Romania and Slovakia.
  • In the late 1990s and early 2000s, a series of color revolutions shook Eastern Europe, with George Soros’ network of NGOs playing a central role in the unrest.

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  • In 2003–2004, Soros’ International Renaissance Foundation partnered with USAID to support Ukraine’s ‘Orange Revolution’. Prior to that, the US spent $54.7 million in 2003 and $34.11 million in 2004 on “democracy programs” in Ukraine through various agencies, including USAID.
  • The US legal watchdog Judicial Watch revealed in April 2018 that USAID sponsored Soros’ globalist agenda in Guatemala. In total, OSF reportedly spent around $100 million fomenting unrest in Latin America between 2015 and 2018.

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  • In October 2018, the watchdog obtained documents indicating that USAID partnered with Soros to fund radical left-wing activists in Albania. In 2016, USAID reportedly allocated $9 million to a campaign overseen by Soros’ East West Management Institute.
  • To illustrate the scale of funds managed by Soros-linked initiatives, in 2024, then-President Joe Biden requested nearly $30 billion for USAID in 2025.

The Training Internship Program will provide three months of on-the-job and academic training in the priority areas of public administration, business management, telecommunications, environmental management and banking & finance for 30 professionals from Bulgaria, Estonia, Poland, Romania, and Slovakia.


We can read in a Soros Foundation paper:

«The Soros Foundations Management Training Program (“SFMTpl ) received and signed Cooperative Agreement HEUR 0045 A 00 4007 00 from the United States Agency for International Development
(“USAID”) on November 19, 1993. In the first quarter, SFMTP staff in each of the five countries began open advertisement to professionals for the training available. In the US, SFMTP staff were introduced to USAID procedures and began recruitment of host companies. Field activities: Participant Selection Before opening the competition, an SFMTP Co»

Some of the USAID projects supported by the foundations of George Soros

In the investigation Wuhan-Gates 5 we published the many ties of Opens Society and Renassaince International Foundations…

Colored Revolutions and Arab Springs in Middle-East alongside Canvas & CIA

But many Colored Revolution swas funded by Soros-USAID especially in Middle East alongside Canvas ong as we reported in our dossier on Iraq, Lebanon and Syria.

Despite this, the NGOs supported by Soros that fomented the coup in Kiev in 2014 (after the failure of the Orange Revolution in 2006) that triggered the War in Ukraine were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

Just like it happened for the former American President Barack Obama who started the Arab Spring by financing and arming the jihadists of Al Qaeda and ISIS that he pretended to fight

Carlo Domenico Cristofori


Soputnik International


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Carlo Domenico Cristofori

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