MOGADISHU BEACH, The Latest “CIA MASSACRE”! Another Terrorist Attack by Jihadists armed by US Intelligence

MOGADISHU BEACH, The Latest “CIA MASSACRE”! Another Terrorist Attack by Jihadists armed by US Intelligence


by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio

On Friday night, yet another terrorist attack in Somalia has massacred civilians and tourists. It is not just a terror technique planned by Islamic jihadists of extremist Sunni confession but a precise strategy of the American counterspionage of Central Intelligence Agency to destabilize African countriesincreasingly in favor of no-blackmail financing from Russia and China – where it has managed to build powerful terrorist cells.

The Jihadists built by Western Intelligence

The role of British and American intelligence in the construction of extremist Islamic movements dedicated to Jihad has been well described in the book by former Interpol official Antonio Evangelista, first on a peace mission in the Baòlcani on behalf of the State Police and then attached to the Italian Embassy in Amman (Jordan) as a leading expert in international anti-terrorism.

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«Between 1981 and 1987, the United States had allocated more than 7.4 billion US dollars with the secret intent of curbing Soviet economic expansionism, drawing Yugoslavia into the economic sphere of influence of Western Europe, seen as an outpost of the American economy. During the same period, the CIA, the British Secret Service MI6 and other secret agencies, trained radical Islamists to use as a backup plan, in the event that the economic subjugation of Yugoslavia, to push back the Russian economy, was not enough. The result was a multi-ethnic jihadist movement armed and trained by America, Saudi Arabia, the United Kingdom and other interested countries, which made the transit area of ​​​​Russian gas pipelines, to Western Europe, turbulent and impassable».

This paragraph is removed from the chapter “Yugoslavia model for Ukraine” of the geopolitical essay “Mediterranean, same Blood Same Mud” written by the former Interpol official Evangelista whom we interviewed several times on the collusion between Islamic terrorism and Western secret services.

“NATO’s LIES ON MEDITERRANEAN WARS FOR GAS”. Exclusive Interview to Former Interpol EU Officer

The CIA Terroristic Ties with Al Shabaab Butchers

A few weeks ago we also published a specific dossier of the CIA-GATE substack, which publishes very detailed information from whistleblowers of the Central Intelligence Agency, in which the recent contacts for the supply of American weapons from the CIA to the Somali branch of Al Qaeda, called Al Shabaab, were revealed.

CIA-GATE – 10. Confirmed: New Evidence Shows US Intel Worked alongside al Qaeda Branch in Somalia

Today here is what the international mass media such as RAI News are writing:

The terrorist attack on a beach in Mogadishu caused the death of at least 32 civilians. This was reported by police spokesman Abdifatah Adan Hassan, specifying that “63 others were injured, some seriously”. According to a reconstruction of events, a suicide bomber blew himself up on Lido Beach, a popular destination for businessmen and government workers, and then gunmen opened fire. At least five militants from the al-Shebaab terrorist group were shot dead by security forces.

Lido Beach, a popular area in Mogadishu, is a popular spot for Somalis enjoying the weekend on Friday nights.One witness, Mohamud Moalim, said he saw a bomber wearing a suicide vest moments before the man “blew himself up near the hotel overlooking the beach.” Another witness, Abdisalam Adam, said he “saw many people lying on the ground” and helped carry some of the injured to hospital. The Lido Beach area has been targeted by militants allied with al-Shabab in the past. The most recent attack last year left nine people dead.

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In light of the investigations published by Gospa News on the supply of weapons by the CIA to Islamic extremists (and even to Mexican drug cartels), of the book by an Interpol official, of the terrible connections that emerged in a trial in Guantanamo between Al Qaeda jihadists and the attack of September 11, 2001, and finally of the detailed dossiers by CIA-.GATE, how is it still possible for Western journalists who call themselves independent and for governments who proclaim themselves democratic to believe that these murdered people are not part of a horrendous geopolitical plot in which, as in Gaza, genocide has even become the new weaponof NATO intelligence?

Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio
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Fabio G.C. Carisio

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