Illinois House Bill Requires Donated Blood to be Screened for mRNA Vaccines

Illinois House Bill Requires Donated Blood to be Screened for mRNA Vaccines


by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio

«Early in 2021 I led an effort with pathologists to notify the American Association of Blood Banking and the American Red Cross of a potential problem with vaccine material (mRNA and or Spike protein) contaminating donated blood. This is a concern since a freshly vaccinated person could go donate blood and no questions are asked».

The American cardiologist Peter McCullough wrote these sentences in his Substack to announce an huge news!

«While AACB and the Red Cross acknowledged our letters, nothing was done. Now a recent Illinois House Bill led by Rep Jed Davis (IL District 75) brings this concern into official view» he added.

Rep Jed Davis (IL District 75)

«Amends the Illinois Clinical Laboratory and Blood Bank Act. Requires a blood bank to test or have tested donated blood for evidence of any COVID-19 vaccine and any other messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) vaccine components, and requires a blood donor to disclose during each blood donor screening process whether the blood donor has received a COVID-19 vaccine or any other mRNA vaccine during the donor’s lifetime».

This is what we can read in the document IL HB4243 filed with the Clerk by Republican Davis (link below in the sources).

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«Requires blood or blood components to include on their labels a designation that the blood or blood components tested positive for evidence of a COVID-19 vaccine or any other mRNA vaccine component or was drawn from a blood donor who disclosed the donor have received a COVID-19 vaccine or any other mRNA vaccine during the donor’s lifetime. Provides that the Department of Public Health must adopt rules to implement the changes made by the amendatory Act».

The issue of the blood of vaccinated was launched by the American journalist Daniel Horowitz on Conservative Review

«You might be part of that small percentage of adults who were smart enough to avoid the COVID gene therapy and lucky enough not to have it forced upon you to keep your job. But what happens if you ever need blood in the hospital? Or what about those who got the jabs but were lucky enough to have the spike protein leave their systems without much harm? What if you were forced to accept more spike protein through blood transfusions due to a medical emergency? New research points to the imperative for state lawmakers to pass laws requiring that blood banks screen out spike protein from the blood supply».

Danish microbiologists published a shocking finding this week in the Journal of Pathology, Microbiology, and Immunology. They took samples of blood from 108 hepatitis C patients, and one of the discoveries was that “full-length or traces of SARS-CoV-2 spike mRNA vaccine sequences were found in blood up to 28 days after COVID-19 vaccination.”

“Pfizer-Biontech Covid Vaccine produces the toxic Spike protein in Human Body Even after 2 Years”. Explosive Study

Italian researchers published a similar study which highlighted that Spike, held responsible for the so-called Spikeopathy and Spike-Demic can remain in the human body also for 6 months. Then the analysis of the blood fo a former Swiss banker vaccinated and injured by mRNA genetic sera pointed out the presence of the dangerous protein even two years after the jab.

The problem is growing in Italy, especially in Veneto region, where many citizens they warned hospitals against administering blood from vaccinated people.

This is why the bill filed in the Illinois House could have a disruptive global reach.

Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio
prohibition of reproduction without authorization
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MCCULLOGH SUBSTACK – Illinois House Bill Requires Donated Blood to be Screened for mRNA Vaccines

LEGISCAN – Bill Text: IL HB4243



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Fabio G.C. Carisio

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