WUHAN-GATES – 10. SHADY PLOT: EU Summit with 4 Gates’ NGO, Big Pharma & FB before Pandemic (SARS-2 built with HIV)

WUHAN-GATES – 10. SHADY PLOT: EU Summit with 4 Gates’ NGO, Big Pharma & FB before Pandemic (SARS-2 built with HIV)


So do not be afraid of them, since there is nothing hidden that should not be revealed, and no secret that should not be revealed”.
Jesus Christ – from the Gospel of Matthew (10, 26)

by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio




For the avoidance of misunderstandings, I state that I do not want to dwell on the need or not for a global vaccination plan: a too complex and controversial topic on which unfortunately there is no real world scientific debate but a univocal thought of the dominant mainstream out of which every minimal objection is considered. an act of aggrieved majesty.

I want to demonstrate the anti-ethics of an immunization plan promoted by millions of dollars by Bill Gates, prophet of the current pandemic, who is in a blatant macroscopic conflict of interest having deals with big pharma destined to speculate on it and by financing the political parties of the rulers who decided to test it in Italy and will be called to evaluate it in the future in the whole world for the emergency from CoVid-19.

WUHAN-GATES – 12. MI6 British Intelligence former Head: “SARS-2 Built in Bio-Lab”. Pics and Proofs of HIV Tests

This circumstance has taken on disturbing contours after the multiple discoveries documented by Gospa News on the economic support of American and European DEM rulers for the experimentation of dangerous and lethal laboratory superviruses in China in a project that seems suited not only to the dominance in the health field but also in geopolitical and warlike.

In the previous 19 reportages we have exposed clues, authoritative opinions and scientific research on the theory of a pandemic triggered by a bacteriological weapon of deadly mortality and complexity, to the point of appearing (even to scientists) calibrated to target specific ethnic groups, after being built with biogenetic engineering.

Whether this happened by chance, in the now more lucrative than noble mission of looking for vaccines, or for a deliberate conspiracy for other evil purposes, as it now seems almost certain, is what we are trying to verify in every possible direction.

Today we try to make the second synthesis of the last 9 (like the one in Bio-Weapon 10, link below) in order to make it easier for those who have been discouraged by the biblical length of others to read it. We do this by unveiling another puzzling discovery that lengthens the shadows on the European Commission in the entire cycle of events related to the SARS-CoV-2 virus called by us Wuhan-Gates (any reference to truly existing people is purely coincidental…).

WUHAN-GATES – 11. HIV INSIDE SARS-2: Dangerous Experiments, Scientists Dead & Spies’ Ring in Canada, China and US

We called the investigations so not because the supposed diabolical plot of the Deep International State took place entirely there but due to the name of the populous city of Hubei recurs continuously, leading me to suspect that precisely in that place the intelligence of various countries – at least three of the Anglo-Saxon counter-espionage alliance “Five-Eyes” are heavily implicated, as we will see in the next report – he hid the evidence. Knowing that the dictatorship of the communist regime could punish with capital punishment any repentant “deep throat” or “whistleblower” as it is fashionable to call them in the USA after RussiaGate and UkraineGate.



This is instead the time to reveal or remember the names of those Italian and American Dem politicians who hover behind a pandemic too perfect to be casual. His shady plots begin in 2004 in China thanks to a program of the European Commission chaired by the ex-olive tree leader Romano Prodi (see WuhanGates 9, summary below) and tangle around the world until the final “party” with the outgoing president Jean-Claude Juncker.

This is the prophetic and shamefully suspect summit for the “Global Vaccination” organized by the same institution in Brussels on 12 September 2019 together with the World Health Organization attended by the leaders of various NGOs (CEPI, GAVI, EDCTP) created and / or supported by Bill Gates, represented by Joe Cerrell, Managing Director of his foundation.

Let’s see which are these subjects. CEPI is the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations is is an alliance to finance and coordinate the development of new vaccines presented by Gates in Davos Forum 2017, GAVI is an international organisation created in 1999 by Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation with $750 millions initial fund to improve access to new and underused vaccines for children living in the world’s poorest countries.

But much more interesting is European and Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership (EDCTP) is to reduce the social and economic burden of poverty-related in health. The European Union will provide up to € 683 million for the current 10-year programme (2014-2024), provided this is matched by contributions from the European EDCTP member countries.

It’s joined by 14 European countries (Austria, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, UK) and 16 African countries (Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Congo, Ethiopia, Gabon, The Gambia, Ghana, Mali, Mozambique, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia).

This is one of his goal: «As part of EDCTP’s capacity building efforts, the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA) and the EDCTP signed a Memorandum of Understanding in January 2013 to implement a fellowship scheme that offers placements in European-based companies to individual researchers and clinical staff from sub-Saharan Africa working in the implementation of clinical trials. Furthermore, the European Commission and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation signed a Memorandum of Understanding in June 2013 to cooperate in the fight against PRDs (poverty-related diseases)» reads on official website EDCPT.

«The WHO/TDR Career Development Fellowships (CDF) programme, which has been supported by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers & Associations (IFPMA), offers targeted training in research and development within pharmaceutical companies and product development partnerships (PDPs) to develop highly skilled local personnel for disease-endemic LMICs (low- and middle-income countries) to enhance competencies in clinical trials for drugs, vaccines and diagnostics on a broad range of infectious diseases of poverty».

The poster of the event and the table of honor with Jean Claude Juncker – click on the image for the complete dossier of the meeting with all the speakers (PDF)

This is why managers of drug manufacturers took part in the Brussels summit (all the names of the participants are in the dossier below the image) such as Nanette Cocero of Pfizer Biopharmaceuticals Group. GSK did not need to be present due to it’s as a multinational controlled directly by Bill Gates (CoronaVirus Bio-Weapon 3 and WuhanGates 1 reportsm, see below summary).

The question arises: we are sure that the captains of the pharmaceutical corporation industry, in need of testing their products even with serious inconveniences as happened in Georgia a few years ago with the death of 79 human guinea pigs (WuhanGates 5, see below summary), we have as a priority people’s health with respect to their understandable businesses?

The answer is in the titles of the round tables: “In vaccines I believe” or “The magic of the sciences: accelerating research, development and innovation of vaccines” are some of the topics dealt with in an absolutely monochordic key and even a little overflowing of fanaticism …

Among the excellent speakers are the Minister of Social Affairs of Belgium, the Secretary General of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, the head of the health section of UNICEF, the Pentagon Surgeon General, the president of the Pasteur Institute. of Paris, and the representatives of FACEBOOK and the Mozilla Firefox web browser and the African one RA.

This conference took place three months before the discovery of the CoVid-19 epidemic, so named precisely because the first “official” cases were identified in December 2019. But it was held only a month before the World Military Games which took place right in Wuhan and from which some athletes of the various armies returned with a mysterious and serious influence (WuhanGates 6, see below summary).

But above all it was held a month before Event 201, the virtual exercise on a CoronaVirus pandemic funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and already ended up in the crosshairs of the international media which did not however catch one of the main protagonists of the meeting revealed instead from Gospa News: a former CIA deputy director. Just from there we start briefly before seeing the concatenation of the other facts.


It is not a conspiracy title but conspiracy-logo: that is, the study of a conspiracy, all too evident for the increasingly well-founded suspicion that the new strain of CoronaVirus is a bacteriological weapon hand-sucked or intentionally released. In the first reports of this first cycle of investigations, American biological warfare experts supported him: former White House consultant Francis Boyle and Jeff Brown, founder with other journalists and international authors of the Bioweapon Truth Commission. So it was the Chinese Communist Party that accused the US after some scientists from their country discovered the different lethality of two CoVid-19 strains with four very killer Spike amino acids of the “killer” protein.

CoronaVirus BioWeapon – 7. NWO-CIA-DEM Top Secret Military Missions in Ukraine, Fort Detrick, Sigonella, Wuhan, Modena

This brought to mind the investigations of the Bulgarian investigative journalist Dilyana Gaytandzhieva on the 25 top secret laboratories of the Pentagon (US State Department) opened mainly in Georgia and Ukraine, after the colored revolutions supported by the globalist plutarch George Soros, where studies on bacteriological weapons are also carried out biogenetic and ethnic.

Among the most suspicious superviruses, however, there is the chimeric SHC014 created in Chapel Hill in 2015 in the biosecurity laboratories of the University of North Carolina thanks to a contribution from USAID, the American government agency used by the Central Intelligence Agency to finance its projects. . It is the supervirus that the Leonardo RAI3 scientific transmission also spoke about.

CoronaVirus BioWeapon – 6. Prophecy on Pandemic and NWO by Obama-Biden CIA’s Queen

At the time she was deputy director of the CIA was the lawyer Avril Haines, longtime Dem former consultant to Joe Biden in Congress, expert on bio-weapons of the NTI (private institution of Democratic area), who in the same year was called by the former president Democrat Barack Obama, supported in the election campaigns by super-donors Gates and Soros, to become deputy White House National Security Advisor until the arrival of Donald Trump.

CORONAVIRUS – 10. The Plot in 100 lines: from CIA Bio-Weapons to New World Order Prophecy

She was one of the organizers of Event 201, funded by Gates, in collaboration with the John Hopkins Center of Health Security. John Brennan, her head at the CIA, one of the alleged directors of the fake RussiaGate dossier against Trump, is also a Senior Fellow for JH University, among those who publicly praised the existence of the Deep State on the occasion of the UkraineineGate. However, the reference of the lawyer Haines to the need for a World Order at a conference in 2018 in which he prophesied the pandemic like Gates was sensational.

WUHAN-GATES – 12. MI6 British Intelligence former Head: “SARS-2 Built in Bio-Lab”. Pics and Proofs of HIV Tests

In the WuhanGates 12 investigation there is a summary of all 21 reports. Now let’s see the puzzling political intertwining instead.



The economist Prodi then made a professional career in China and the USA: since 2010 as a professor at the CEIBS (China Europe International Business School) in Shanghai and since 2017 as a member of the Academy of Arts and Sciences (Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA). But it had instead been contested in Italy in 1995 when he was the author of the preface of the Italian version of a book by George Soros, disliked by many Italians for the speculation that devalued the lira in 1992 but still became the occult plutarch of the European Union thanks to a list of MEPs listed as reliable in a project that caused a sensation in the media in 2019.


The visit of the owner of the Open Society of New York at Palazzo Chigi in May 2017 to the then Prime Minister of the Italian PD Government, Paolo Gentiloni, a few months before the approval of the Decree Lorenzin for the 10 mandatory vaccines, agreed by Obama with his predecessor Matteo Renzi.

Pandemic Bio-Weapon – 9. Supervirus Created by US during Obama’s Govt: 89 CoVid Strains in CIA’s Top Secret Tests

From November 2019, Gentiloni was then “promoted” to European Commissioner thanks to the Conte Bis government created by PD and 5 Star Movement thanks to the mediation of the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella, former PD deputy, former Minister of Secret Services from 1998 to 1999 and deemed very close to the CIA also by virtue of his father’s political career in the first temporary administration of Palermo created in 1943 by the Anglo-American Allies just landed in Sicily, very easy tanks to Lucky Luciano mobsterof Two World.


The collaboration between European and American Dems had intensified with the former Mayor of Rome Francesco Rutelli, who, before the scandal for the disappearance of 25 million euros from his party La Margherita (sentenced only the treasurer), was vice president of the Council (deputy PM) during the short Prodi government (2006-2008) and in 2007 he was among the founders of the Italian Democratic Party (PD) after receiving the visit of Hillary Clinton, future Secretary of State with Obama, together with the then Mayor of Florence Matteo Renzi, who later became secretary of the Pd ( 2013-2018) and prime minister (2014-2016) despite never having been a parliamentarian.


Against two relatives of Renzi, his brother-in-law Andrea Conticini and his brother Alessandro Conticini, the Florence Prosecutor has requested the indictment for improper ownership and self-laundering (Alessandro) and money laundering (Andrea) in relation to 6.6 million dollars out of a total of 10 disbursements for childcare in Africa.

The donations under investigation came from the Pulitzer Foundation through Operation Usa, on whose board the historic Senator Dem sat Senator Gary Hart, Obama’s right-hand man as vice president of the National Security Committee, and through Unicef, at the time of direct disbursements by Anthony Lake, nominated in this position by Obama after Bill Clinton nominated him for the CIA without obtaining the congress placet. Only the foundation of Operation Use complained, Unicef ​​gave up.

First of all, there were the 2 million euros disbursed by Prodi for the dangerous experiments of the Wuhan Institute of Virology which was then financed by USAID in the shadow of the CIA. After all this there were the millions gained by GSK thanks to the vaccination immunization plan imposed by Obama and approved by the PD government of Gentiloni (premier) and Renzi (party secretary).

Until the pinwheels of millions of euros on the Atlantic Ocean route were transformed into internal scandals to parties and private companies, the question was of the interested parties, their electors and the judiciary.


Now that those laboratory superviruses are suspected of being the cause of a pandemic that has killed more than 32 thousand people in Italy, over 90 thousand in the USA and more than 300 thousand in the world, so much so that the maxi vaccine plan planned by the meeting in Brussels has appeared providential months before, on those intrigues between politics, national health plans and pharmaceutical affairs, clarity must necessarily be made before the Italians, the Americans and the whole of humanity.

It is a primary duty especially of the current President of the Italian Republic in order to deny being the «true cultural epidemic of this country» as claimed in Parliament by the deputy Sara Cunial precisely in relation to the vaccine projects of Gates & Co…

Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio
no reproduction without authorization – original italian version








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Fabio G.C. Carisio

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