WUHAN-GATES – 30. WHO’s Vaccines Billionaire Plan in the Hands of Gates & Big Pharma: ex GSK manager leads COVAX with Gavi

WUHAN-GATES – 30. WHO’s Vaccines Billionaire Plan in the Hands of Gates & Big Pharma: ex GSK manager leads COVAX with Gavi


by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio

Versione originale in Italiano

By now, even the sense of shame has been lost … The global vaccination project against the COVID-19 pandemic of the World Health Organization called COVAX has ended up in the hands of the Lobby of Bill Gates who is also a leading investor in 4 of the major multinationals pharmaceutical manufacturers of vaccines (BioNTech, GlaxoSmithKline-GSK, which also controls 68% of Pfizer’s commercial branches in Italy and other parts of the world, and finally Moderna).

In practice, the self-styled philanthropist maniac of vials and syringes is raising millions of dollars from nations and foundations around the planet to allow them to buy antidotes sold by the Big Pharma cartel at a controlled price (see WuhanGates 23), for a project of global immunization that in the face of a very certain business for the shareholders (the same speculative investment funds of the Lobby of Weapons) it is not known what genetic or pathological effects it could have on the world population.

WUHAN-GATES – 23. From Cambridge Big Pharma’s Cartel controls Swabs, Vaccines and Clinical Trials. Disturbing Conflicts of Interest from Italy to the UK

The conflict of interest is so macroscopic and shameless that the Sputnik International network, funded by the Moscow government and obviously more interested in cheering on the Russian Sputnik V vaccine already purchased by 23 nations, called COVAX “syndicated” showing the sensational connections not only with Gates but with the main of the multinationals he controls.

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COVAX CEO is Aurélia Nguyen, a likely descendant of the Vietnamese noble lineage, who has also undertaken research for WHO on generic drug policies. She is a certified accountant and has a Masters in Health Policy, Planning and Funding from the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine and the London School of Economics. From 2011 to 2020, before the establishment of COVAX under the auspices of the WHO, he worked as a manager for Gavi Alliance, an NGO founded in 1999 with 750 million dollars by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which has so far invested about 4 billions of dollars for the global immunization projects carried out thanks to the vaccines sold by the companies controlled by Gates in the usual whirlwind of conflicts of interest

A photo of Aurelia Nguyen when in 2018 she was manager of Gavi with Bill Gates

But before joining Gavi in 2011, Aurélia Nguyen held a number of positions within GlaxoSmithKline, where she led the development of GSK’s policies on access to drugs and vaccines in the developing world. GSK, which will increase its revenues thanks to the Comirnaty messenger mRna vaccine produced by Pfizer (its subsidiary) with BioNTech, the German company financed by Gates with 55 million dollars, is also the company that has seen its earnings grow in Italy thanks to the pilot project on 12 compulsory vaccines in school age promoted by the Global Health Security Agenda created by former President Barack Obama, of which Gates was the main political donor as Pfizer instead supported the candidacy of Joseph Biden.

WUHAN-GATES – 24. WHO & Pandemic in Gates-China’s Puppet Hands: Dr. Tedros Leader of TPLF, Islamic-Communist Rebels blamed of Last Massacre in Ethiopia by Amnesty

Despite these shady business intrigues, the World Health Organization, funded with nearly one billion euros from the Gates foundation which sponsored the appointment of Ethiopian Tedros Adhanom Gebreyesus as director general, has allowed the global vaccination project to be carried out. from the Gavi Alliance together with CEPI (Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations), another NGO founded by Gates and presented in Davos in 2017.



«COVAX is the vaccines pillar of the Access to COVID-19 Tools (ACT) Accelerator. The ACT Accelerator is a ground-breaking global collaboration to accelerate the development, production, and equitable access to COVID-19 tests, treatments, and vaccines. COVAX is co-led by Gavi, the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) and WHO. Its aim is to accelerate the development and manufacture of COVID-19 vaccines, and to guarantee fair and equitable access for every country in the world» reads on WHO website.

«Why we need COVAX? Developing a vaccine against COVID-19 is the most pressing challenge of our time – and nobody wins the race until everyone wins. The global pandemic has already caused the loss of hundreds of thousands of lives and disrupted the lives of billions more. As well as reducing the tragic loss of life and helping to get the pandemic under control, introduction of a vaccine will prevent the loss of US$ 375 billion to the global economy every month. Global equitable access to a vaccine, particularly protecting health care workers and those most-at-risk is the only way to mitigate the public health and economic impact of the pandemic» add World Health Organization.

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The WHO, of course, is careful not to say that tens of thousands of victims attributed to the infection by the SARS-Cov-2 virus were caused precisely by the infamous advice of the UN health agency itself in relation to therapies. In March 2019, in fact, the WHO had banned the treatment with cortisone drugs, revoked only in June, and that with hydroxychlorichine, resumed only in December after the Piedmont Region won the battle against the government for the use of the antimalarial drug.

As of September, 78 high-income countries and economies have now confirmed their interest in participating in the COVAX facility. In the West among the most generous to fund Gates’ plan were the European Union, France and Germany, with 117 million euros each, followed by Italy with $ 102 million which paid almost double the amount of the United Kingdom (60 millions of pounds) benefited by the fact that both GSK and AstraZeneca, both vaccine producers, are based in London. As can be seen from the table, Rome has donated 10 times more than Sweden and Qatar, benefiting from a commercial agreement on the distribution of drugs signed years ago with Saudi Arabia (GSK Saudi Arabia), which instead donated $ 153 million making it the third country more munificent after Canada ($ 246) and Japan ($ 130). In order not to appear stingy, Bill & Melinda Gates paid 156.3 million dollars: a trifle compared to the billions that will be invoiced by the Big Pharma in which the IT guru has invested.

The table of sponsors of the COVAX project created by Bill Gates thanks to the consent of the WHO

GSK-Sanofi also took part in the project, which are developing their own vaccine with adjuvants still in phase 3 of experimentation and have promised the donation of 200 million doses, as highlighted in a previous report. Italy’s contribution had already been announced in May, after the phone call made by Gates to Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte who on May 4, with a video in English, had announced Italy’s intention to donate “140 million to three organizations: 10 million to CEPI to accelerate the search for a vaccine, 10 million to WHO to support the most vulnerable countries and 120 million to GAVI over the next 5 years for the global immunization of COVID-19 “.



«Governments have already committed US$ 1.4 billion towards this effort, but an additional US$ 1 billion is still needed to continue to move the portfolio forwards. It is also essential that the Gavi COVAX AMC meets its fundraising target of at least US$ 2 billion by the end of 2020, and also continues to discuss details with AMC-eligible economies what their participation will mean for them. This will be critical to ensuring that ability to pay does not become a barrier to accessing COVID-19 vaccines, a situation that would leave the majority of the world unprotected and which would allow this pandemic to continue far longer than necessary».

This is the warning published on the official website of the WHO which unfortunately became a tragic reality – for those who wish to get vaccinated – in January when the delivery of Pfizer and Moderna doses began to suffer reductions and delays in various countries. , including Italy, due to production problems in relation to the ever increasing demand.

Meanwhile, the EMA (the European drug agency) and AIFA (the Italian one) have also approved the AstraZeneca serum previously authorized in the United Kingdom, on which however a bitter dispute has opened between Brussels and Big Pharma because announced that supplies for the first quarter of 2021 will be more than 60 percent lower than expected – for a total of 31 million doses instead of the expected 80. This prompted the European Commission to raise the possibility of a block on exports from the Belgian plant after suspecting that the reduction was also caused by the sending of doses abroad, probably to London where AstraZeneca is based.

WUHAN-GATES – 26. SARS-2 Bio-Weapon & Gold Vaccines. From CIA-WHO Tests funded by Gates to EU Summit with Pfizer, Biden’s sponsor, before Pandemic!

The arrival of the first supplies of vaccines between December and January has in fact led Western countries to focus on the distribution and on the doses to be paid by shots from hundreds of millions of euros to pharmaceuticals (with very different costs as we will see later) thus forgetting the COVAX plan, which remained stalled, below Gates’ collection expectations. In fact, the update of the donor table of the COVAX-Gavi project is still on December 18, 2020.

There is currently no evidence to support a correlation between the stop to donations and the delay of Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, both funded by Gates. But this is undoubtedly a curious coincidence … Especially in light of the setting of the global immunization plan promoted by the WHO which provides for vaccine offers at fixed prices, as if we were faced with full-blown speculative investments …



«The agreements provide that the Office of the COVAX Facility will make agreements with vaccine manufacturers on behalf of Participants to secure access to vaccine doses in specified volumes, delivery timetables and prices. The Office is aiming to negotiate the best possible pricing from manufacturers. The cost per dose will vary by vaccine and manufacturer, and the Facility will pass through the actual, negotiated price to participants. The agreed deals negotiated between the Facility and the manufacturers will dictate the final price of the vaccine».

This is what the World Health Organization website still reports, transforming itself from a UN health agency to a shrewd commercial mediator in the hands of Gavi-Gates. «The Facility offered two arrangements for Self-Financing Participants, corresponding to the two types of Commitment Agreements. Both arrangements involve an up-front payment that is essential in order for the Facility to enter into deals with vaccine manufacturers to accelerate and secure doses».

Participants which chose the Committed Purchase arrangement have made a lower upfront payment of $1.60/dose, and provided a financial guarantee of $8.95 /dose (N.B. as noted above, this is a guarantee, not the price that will actually be paid). A Committed Purchase participant may only opt out of candidates if it indicates in its Commitment Agreement that it is not interested in purchasing vaccines with a price exceeding $21.10 /dose, which is twice the all-inclusive estimated weighted average cost per dose ($10.55)

Participants which chose the Optional Purchase arrangement have made an upfront payment covering that Participant’s full pro rata share of the investments required to enter into agreements with manufacturers and secure doses ($3.10/dose). In return, these Participants receive the right to decide which candidates they are interested in purchasing from their allocation of the Facility’s portfolio. While the upfront payment for the Optional Purchase is larger than for the Committed.

Allocation of vaccines among Participants will be governed by the WHO Fair Allocation Mechanism, which is available here. Under the Mechanism, Participants will receive vaccine doses proportionally and gradually to immunise up to 20% of their population (unless they have chosen a lower percentage coverage of their population).



«South Africa may not receive supplies of COVID-19 vaccines until June despite paying hundreds of millions up front. The government made a 327 million rand ($22 million) payment to COVAX — an initiative to buy an distribute vaccines to poorer nations, funded by Microsoft founder and world’s richest man Bill Gates — just before Christmas, as a 15 per cent down payment on a 2.18 billion rand ($149 million) fee for supplying vaccines»James Tweedie, the African reporter of Sputnik International, wrote on January 3 that being a Russian media, he highlighted the contradiction that South Africa did not ask for the Sputnik V vaccine from Moscow but relied on Western ones.

«According to what is reported by the Italian newspaper Fatto Quotidiano, the amount invested by various subjects in the vaccine race would amount to about 20 billion dollars. The list is very long, it includes states but also includes donations from Bill Gates, the founder of Alibaba, Jack Ma, philanthropists and NGOs. Almost half of the money, or 9.5 billion, would come from the state coffers of a good number of countries», journalist Federico Giuliani wrote on InsideOver on January 28th.

SARS-2: “China, US, NATO & Five Eyes Intelligences conceal Manmade Virus’ origin”. Shocking claims by Israeli IDF officer Bio-Weapons expert

«Well, many of these countries are the very ones that today find themselves running out of vaccines due to the delays in deliveries of vaccines caused by the Big Pharma that they themselves have financed. Just to give an example, Germany has put 345 million euros on the table for Pfizer-BioNTech but has now been forced to review its vaccination campaign due to the aforementioned delaysı, the article continues.

«Other than vaccine available to everyone and in an equitable way: at the end of the games, some countries will be treated better than others. And the beauty, because of the secret contracts – the European Commission has allowed a few MEPs to look at the contracts signed for an hour, without photos – is that we will know almost nothing about the dynamics between the parties. The vaccine, therefore, floats in the free market and moves according to the law of supply and demand. In other words: the doses end earlier where the offer is greater. By dint of repeating that access to the vaccine would be guaranteed to anyone in an equitable manner, the Big Pharma companies were able to hold the knife on the handle side in their hands» Giuliani rightly concludes, omitting only one fundamental detail.

WUHAN-GATES – 21. “Pandemic Planned for Decades”. Kennedy blames Fauci & Gates. Terrible Plot in 30 Investigations’ summary. Pope against Big Pharma’s Affairs

The knife on the side of the handle holds it firmly in Bill Gates hand thanks to the support of the American Democrats, now strong of President Joe Biden, and of the EU Commission which in somewhat suspicious times, on 12 September 2019, a few months after the first official cases of Covid-19, met for a summit with Pfizer and the NGOs of Gates, for years financier together with the American government agency USAID (often a financial instrument CIA) of Obama of the very dangerous experiments conducted in Wuhan and in the USA on SARS and MERS pathogens (of 2003 and 2012) infected with HIV for chimeric viral prototypes, just as according to authoritative scientists is found in the new SARS-Cov-2 strain.

Just as we explained in detail in the reports WuhanGates 21, where the lawyer Robert Kennedy claims that the pandemic has been planned for decades by Gates, and WuhanGates 26 with the eloquent title: BIOARM SARS-2 & GOLD VACCINES

Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio
no reproduction without authorization – Versione originale in Italiano







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Fabio G.C. Carisio

7 pensieri su “WUHAN-GATES – 30. WHO’s Vaccines Billionaire Plan in the Hands of Gates & Big Pharma: ex GSK manager leads COVAX with Gavi

  1. “”The global pandemic has already caused the loss of hundreds of thousands of lives and disrupted the lives of billions more. As well as reducing the tragic loss of life and helping to get the pandemic under control, introduction of a vaccine will prevent the loss of US$ 375 billion to the global economy every month “”

    Normally things move the other way around. Due to certain conditions , one of the 3 trillion viruses which have always been with us, decides to mutate. The reason could be one of a myriad of environmental factors, nature forcing a change in the status of the virus or microbe. Since the advanced creatures of this planet are not accustomed to the presence of this ‘new’ mutation, the immune system of the same must modulate to accommodate this variance within their environment. Nature always produce gradual changes. So ALL virus ‘curves flatten out. For good.

    But if man wants to play God and has advanced his knowledge where he can produce unnatural chimeric changes the immune systems of creatures sensitive to the virus will have problems adjusting. With today’s technology it needs billions of $ and a lot of hard work to produce such mutations with the destructive efficacy to create havoc in some natural species. It is much easier to smash the atom to release huge amounts of energy which can be put to use. Normal human beings will never undertake such a project which is much more dangerous than the production of nuclear energy. There has to be a Satanic incentive involved. That is through a Satanic mind. With a Satanic purpose. Such a mind is the mind of Bill Gates. Computer software genius. Endowed with infinite amounts of money and infinite Satanic energy. With the purpose of producing vaccines. Vaccines which will act as vehicles to introduce his 666 operating system inside the humans.( ID2020 project) And inventing gene manipulating CRISPR technology to be used as part of his bio weapon. Being the ingredients within his vaccines, which will finally destroy all human kind. Handing the human race over to the archons. Humans devoid of a soul. Imprisoned forever. Human DNA nonexistent . Making bible prophecies come true. Bill Gates, the Man of “the mark of the Beast”.
    Yes this virus is synthetic. It mutates when ever Gates wants it to mutate. Hence he can make as many “waves” happen as he wishes. The Gates mRNA virus do not obey natural laws.They obey Gates ONLY. Gates ‘controls’ most rulers on this planet. Klaus Schwab of the WEF follows Gates orders. Tedros, humble servant of the WHO, says what his boss, Gates, orders him to say, inventing a new virus theory in the bargain.
    Are these the End Times for this planet ?

  2. Do you yet think, an Arab, needing dialysis every day, sitting in a cave blew up the twin towers in NY on 9-11 / 01. Or was it psychopaths the likes of which produced Covid-19 ??. Do not be afraid. Keep it to yourself. But admit the truth to your good self. Shhh….. Once you let Satan get away, he will get adventurous and move on to more destructive projects. Perpetrate the Lie. And you will pay for it some day, soon. The Gates Vaccines MUST BE STOPPED !!

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