Soros Bankrolls 253 Groups to Influence Global Media and White House

Soros Bankrolls 253 Groups to Influence Global Media and White House


Leftist billionaire George Soros used his charities to build ties with more than 250 media organizations around the world that focus on news and activist media.
This was discovered through an extensive analysis by MRC Business NewsBusters

All linked Gospa News Italian articles can be read in English with machine translation available

All links to Gospa News articles have been added aftermath for relevance to the topics covered

by Joseph Vazquez and Daniel Schneider – originally published on MRC NewsBusters

Executive Summary

Leftist billionaire George Soros used his charities to build ties with hundreds of media organizations around the world involved in news and activist media. The journalism and activist media groups Soros supports mold public opinion on practically every continent and in many languages. They also insulate him from inquiry because reporters see him as an ally, not a target for investigation.

The 92-year-old philanthropist’s multimillion-dollar efforts promoting his bizarre “open society” agenda encompass some of the most radical leftist ideas on abortion, Marxist economics, anti-Americanism, defunding the police, environmental extremism and LGBT fanaticism.

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His global media clout is massive. An extensive analysis by MRC Business discovered at least 253 news and activist media organizations across the world financed by Soros’ philanthropic organizations. These groups wield massive power over information in international politics.

This report is the first in a three-part series that reveals the extent of the reach Soros wields over in- ternational media to influence the world population. Soros once told The New York Times that he was working to “bend” the arc of history “in the right direction.” He means it.

Project Syndicate: A Global Soros-Funded Behemoth

There is no publication that exemplifies Soros’ hold on the global media more than Project Syndicate, self-dubbed “The World’s Opinion Page.”

Poynter Institute: A Global Soros-Backed Ministry of Truth

The Poynter Institute has devolved from a premier outlet for journalistic training to another leftist media outlet.

  • Poynter Is Soros’ ‘Gold Standard’ for Liberal Journalism Gatekeeping. Poynter sells itself as a “global leader in journalism” and as the “gold standard” to emphasize its influence. Soros gave $492,000 to finance Poynter’s leftist International Fact-Checking Network between 2016 and 2020. The network works with 100 so-called fact-checking organizations worldwide, distinguishing itself as a de facto Ministry of Truth. Poynter’s fact-checking operation restricts opinions on issues like abortion, “transgenderism,” COVID-19 and Marxist economics. IFCN signatories like Lead Stories, Poynter’s own PolitiFact and Agence-France Presse, actively work with Big Tech platforms like Facebook and its sister company Instagram to boost their “fact-checking” operations to censor users.

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openDemocracy: Soros’ Leftist Global Journalism Operation

Through the leftist U.K.-based openDemocracy, Soros works to control journalism worldwide.

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Free Press: ‘Socialism’ Restricting Conservative Speech

Free Press is activism disguised as journalism. It pushes to silence conservative speech.

Media Democracy Fund: A Soros-Funded Gargantuan Dedicated to Woke ‘Social Justice’

The Soros-funded Media Democracy Fund is a dark money operation at “the crossroads of digital technology and social justice.”

  • Media Democracy Fund Is a Money-Spewing Cog in Soros’ Sphere of Influence. It received $3,520,000 from Soros’ OSF between 2016 and 2020. Its so-called “Disinfo Defense League” (DDL) urges government to fund journalism, .“[t]o fully combat the problems of disinformation, hate and other malign practices online.” The fund pressured for “Congress to create a small percentage tax on the online advertising revenues of the largest online platforms,” DDL claimed.

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National Public Radio: Soros and State Media

Soros’ media empire wouldn’t be complete without a connection to U.S. state media.

  • NPR Is Soros’ Taxpayer-Funded Radio Propaganda Mill. National Public Radio has proven to be a propaganda mill for Soros’ anti-American agenda. NPR received $600,000 from Soros’ foundations in 2016. NPR currently exploits a weekly audience of 48 million, according to NPR network exclusive sponsorship representative National Public Media. During the Aug. 1, 2022, edition of All Things Considered, NPR reporter Sergio Martinez-Beltran compared “hardline Republicans” pushing Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) to be stricter on immigration to the mass shooter at the El Paso Walmart in 2019.

Leftist billionaire George Soros used his charities to build ties with more than 250 media organizations around the world that focus on news and activist media. This was discovered through an extensive analysis by MRC Business.

Top contributor to Democratic (blue) and Republican (red)

The journalism groups Soros supports have the ability to mold public opinion on practically every continent and in many languages. They also insulate him from inquiry because reporters see him as an ally, not a target for investigation.

The 92-year-old philanthropist’s multimillion-dollar efforts promoting his bizarre “open society” agenda encompass some of the most radical leftist ideas on abortion, Marxist economics, anti-Americanism, defunding the police, environmental extremism and LGBT fanaticism.

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In the United States, Soros is known for his massive involvement backing liberal policies and politicians. Since the 2016 election, he has spent at least $200 million backing political candidates, which includes $29 million for local prosecutors and district attorneys.

In 2022 alone, he committed $128 million to Democrats in the midterm elections, according to Open Secrets. The New York Times even conceded that Soros was the “largest donor” for the 2022 midterms. But that’s just a drop in the bucket compared to the over $32 billion he pumped into his Open Society Foundations (OSF) since 1984 to shape politics to his liking on a global scale.

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His worldwide media clout is massive as a result.

MRC Business conducted an extensive analysis of Soros’ deep-rooted ties to global media. In summary, MRC discovered at least 253 organizations across the world tied to news and activist media financed by Soros’ philanthropic organizations. A number of these groups wield massive power over the flow of information in international politics.

This report is the first in a three-part series that reveals the extent of the reach that Soros wields over international media to influence the world population with his radical leftist ideas. It is easy to criticize Soros’ politics. But he is a savvy investor – whether he’s trying to make money or use it to push his agenda. Soros once told The Times that he was working to “bend” the arc of history “in the right direction.” He’s wasn’t kidding.

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The kind of left-wing utopianism that undergirds the propaganda that media organizations fuel using Soros cash has been spreading for decades. In Soros’ eyes, the hallmarks of an “open society” include global governance, open borders, fomenting political unrest, undermining national currencies and donating millions to groups dedicated to crushing American exceptionalism and capitalism. Yes, a man who made tens of billions of dollars from capitalism considers it a threat.

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Major media organizations then repackage this anti-American agenda to brainwash consumers of print, digital, radio and TV news. When the George Floyd riots, looting and racial unrest, were running hot in 2020 across the U.S., for example, Soros’ OSF exploited the incident to announce a $220 million campaign push to promote so-called “racial equality.” The New York Times fawned over how Soros’ leftist activism “signal[ed] the extent to which race and identity have become the explicit focal point of American politics in recent years, with no sign of receding.” Then-OSF president Patrick Gaspard capitalized on the chaos to condemn the United States as being systemically racist:

“We recognize that the struggle to dismantle systemic racism is an ongoing one; it has existed from the dawn of the republic to the present day, and is embedded in every level of government and in our penal and justice systems.”

Soros also directly funds journalism outlets dedicated to smearing the U.S.

The Marshall Project (MP) — a leftist journalism outlet that’s primarily focused on demonizing the American criminal justice system — received at least $1,250,000 from Soros’ OSF between 2016 and 2020.

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Providing a window into how radical the outlet is, MP’s founder Neil Barsky claimed on Marshall’s “About Us” webpage that the Marxist “Black Lives Matter movement became a formidable force in the fight for racial justice.” In addition, the publication exploited the Capitol Hill riot of Jan. 6, 2021, to push a crazy propaganda story headlined, “White Terrorism Often Leads to Harsher Punishment for People of Color.”

MP is so powerful that it lists prominent U.S. media corporations like NBC, The New York Times, TIME magazine, The Associated Press and New York Magazine as its “publishing partners” in its 2021-2022 annual report.

The powerful Marshall Project

But that’s just scratching the surface of the level of power wielded by Soros-funded media outlets. When President Joe Biden’s Department of Homeland Security chose to erect an Orwellian Disinformation Governance Board targeting American speech in reported coordination with social media platforms, a Soros-tied media figure managed to gain control over the operation.

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DHS Principal Deputy General Counsel Jennifer Daskal, the founding editor of the Just Security blog, was tapped by DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas to co-chair the Disinformation Governance Board. Not only did Soros’ OSF finance Daskal’s publication with $675,000 between 2016 and 2020, Daskal also personally worked for Soros. Daskal previously served as an Open Society Institute fellow “working on issues related to privacy and law enforcement access to data across borders.”

DHS would later dismantle the DGB in August 2022 following major political backlash over the Biden administration creating its own acceptable speech gatekeeper. Any “nonpartisan” veneer Biden’s administration falsely propped up for the DGB flew out the window after MRC Business exposed the Soros connection.

Few Americans are familiar with Soros-funded outlets like Project Syndicate or openDemocracy. But they should be. Project Syndicate communicates Soros’ propaganda with readers in 156 countries in 66 languages. It gives him a global platform for his radical open society ideas and his own writing. The outlet has published Soros at least 115 times. Fellow global outlet openDemocracy, based in the U.K., doesn’t have quite the same reach, but still shares its content across multiple languages.

The connections between Soros and DHF officials Daskal

Project Syndicate, in particular, is prominently influential in shaping narratives. The White House attempted to gaslight Americans by casting confusion over the meaning of a recession when U.S. GDP was set to contract for two consecutive quarters in 2022. But evidence suggests a possibility that the Biden administration may have taken its cues from Project Syndicate. The White House Council of Economic Advisers (CEA) released propaganda July 21, 2022: “It is unlikely that the decline in GDP in the first quarter of this year—even if followed by another GDP decline in the second quarter—indicates a recession.”

Three days earlier, Project Syndicate released a column by Jeffrey Frankel, a Harvard economist and research associate of the National Bureau of Economic Research, which pushed the same talking points:

“[E]ven if the [Bureau of Economic Analysis] estimate is negative, however, it does not necessarily mean that the US has entered a recession.”

By Joseph Vazquez and Daniel Schneider – originally published on MRC Business NewsBusters


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source selected by Gospa News

5 pensieri su “Soros Bankrolls 253 Groups to Influence Global Media and White House

  1. If Soros promoted “hatred for Israel” and its crimes against humanity, why is that bad?
    He did not promote hatred against Israel, this is a ruse only. He bankrolls one Palestinian researcher a couple of thousand dollars now and then which does not have any effect.
    He is a zionist who pretends to be an anti-zionist. It is done to catch the rightwingers for Israel and fool the leftists that he is a humanist. The end goal is world government with capital in Jerusalmen. Do not be fooled.

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