Devilish EUROVISION SONG Festival! Horned Satanist Crownes LGBTQ Icon! Thanks to Italian RAI National TV

by Carlo Domenico Cristofori
Tonight I really wanted to hurt myself. I wanted to follow the inhuman degeneration of society to the full by witnessing the final vote of the Eurovision Song Contest 2024 which turned out to be a televised gay-pride festival disguised as a mediocre musical event…
The apotheosis of an even blasphemous ritual was experienced when the RAI Italian commentator commented live:
“Look at what a beautiful scene! Bambie Thug crowning Nemo”

To avoid revealing defamatory intent, we omit the name of the commentator on national state TV who revealed the conscious deficiency of omitting the sabbatical allusions to the event.
That is, the satanist Bambie Thug, competing for Ireland, who placed a crown on the head of the winning Swiss singer, an icon of the LGBTQ movement as he is self-styled “non-binary”, who dressed up as the clown fish Nemo to tease transgenders and homosexuals with his pink skirt.
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The crucial issue, deliberately ignored by the commentator, is that the Irish singer, after having caused a scandal with a performance full of diabolical references, placed on the head of the puppet of the LGBTQ community a black crown of thorns evocative of Christ’s Calvary just like his song “The Code” contains denigrating biblical allusions.
RAI News celebrates with the audience record of a program built on the basis of singers chosen without real artistic merit, with the exception of the Italian Angelina Mango, winner of the 74th edition of Sanremo but too normal to achieve a better place than seventh place for the ‘Italy.
RAI boasts of Share but ignores the flop of Televoting..
“Great success of the Eurovision Song Contest broadcast in prime time on Rai 1: it achieved a 36% share (two percentage points more than last year) with an audience of 5 million 340 thousand viewers. A number supported by a peak of 6 million 663 thousand viewers (during Angelina Mango’s performance) and an extraordinary 59.4 percent share when the winner was announced.”
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RAI boasts, wanting to ignore the mediocrity of the event today based on national jury committees made up of people of little international fame and credibility and on TELEVOTING which, despite live broadcasts throughout Europe, produced the paltry few hundred SMS in support of the countries most voted, obviously those of the winner for Switzerland NEMO, LGBTQ icon, and those of Ukraine and Israel, confirming the politicized setting of the festival in perfect line with the Zionist and rainbow visions of George Soros…
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«Icon of the LGBTQ community, non-binary, asks to be referred to with the English pronouns they / them, said that “him’s song is about breaking codes”. In his song The Code he mixes warbles, rap verses and artcore” writes RAI News.
But above all, the warbling artist explicitly makes anti-biblical references in the song:
“Me, I went up and down hell to get myself on track
I cracked the code, wow ohh
Like the warnings, I just gave him some time
Now I have found paradise
I cracked the code, wow ohh.”
His stuff that without the LGBTQ community behind it would have been considered trashy music from metropolitan suburb toilets…
The Satanist Appearance of Bambie Thug
«The Irish singer Bambie Thug protested harshly with the organization of the Eurovision Song Contest 2024 by not appearing on stage at the moment in which all the competitors parade with the flag of their country – wrote Il Fatto Quotidiano, making it a religious case – During the semi-final on Tuesday, the Israeli public broadcaster’s commentator warned viewers with children that Bambie Thug’s performance would be “the scariest. There will be a lot of spells and black magic and dark clothes and satanic symbols and voodoo dolls, like in Cats Square in Jerusalem in the mid-90s.” The dose was escalated with the commentator who underlined live how the artist likes to “talk negatively about Israel. But we can talk about this later. Prepare your curses.”
«A pentacle surrounded by a circle of fire and two figures with a clearly satanic look. It is the performance performed at Eurovision 2024, underway in Sweden, by the Irish singer “Bambie Thug”, aka Bambie Ray Robinson, born in 1993, competing with the song Doomsday Blue. And we should stop here, since the images speak for themselves” the Catholic online newspaper la Nuova Bussola Quotidiana highlighted.
«Everything is staged on unified European networks, including Rai2 – added NBQ – More than a song, Bambie Thug’s performance seems like a curse, starting from the words with which the song opens and ends, «Avada Kedavra» , which literally means “deadly curse”, promptly translated in the second half of the verse: “I speak to destroy”. And he continues a little further: «Through twisted tongues, a hex deployed on you».
An anti-Palestinian RAI president to be kicked out as soon as possible
“In a complicated international context, and despite the objective difficulties – comments Rai president Marinella Soldi – ESC has confirmed itself as an opportunity to unite peoples and generations in the name of music, friendship and inclusiveness. An increasingly important dialogue that European public services must encourage. I thank everyone who made this result possible.”
She said it after sharing Eurovision’s decision to ban Palestinian flags during concerts but legitimize satin symbols.
Anyone who wants this servant of blasphemous transgression to be immediately kicked out of RAI comments on this article, without using overly trivial epithets like those we thought of but failed to write…
So in Italy we have to pay the state TV subscription fee to see commentators rejoice at a stand-in who crowns an LGBTQ icon.
While you, who knows how many excellent Italian artists are deprived of the limelight, perhaps just because they are Christians…
Carlo Domenico Cristofori
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