US: Biden & Deep State’s Masons Win! Supreme Court refused to investigate on alleged Electoral Frauds

US: Biden & Deep State’s Masons Win! Supreme Court refused to investigate on alleged Electoral Frauds



NBC NEWS –  The Electoral College on Monday officially voted for Joe Biden as the next president of the United States. Biden passed the needed 270 electoral vote threshold to defeat President Donald Trump after California gave its 55 electors to the former vice president.

by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio

Versione originale in Italiano

“The Supreme Court has really let us down. No wisdom, no courage!”. So the US President Donald Trump on Twitter after the rejection of the Texas appeal. The credibility of the institutional machine, the defense of the electoral system as an emblem of civil democracy, in the end, in the United States were more important than the truth about the alleged fraud in the voting for the choice of POTUS, President of the United States.

Texas Rep West calls for States’ Secession after SCOTUS refusal on Elections lawsuit. Trump-boys shout “Destroy GOP”

Not even the six Republican-nominated conservative judges, who are in the majority in the US Supreme Court being only three democratically nominated, felt compelled to elaborate on the heavy accusations of suspected violations of the electoral security rules contained in the Bill of Complaint filed by the Texas Attorney General then supported by 18 other states.

On the evening of Friday, December 11, when Italy was after midnight, the court rejected the case against the hanging states of the electors of Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan and Wisconsin. The court, in a short unsigned order, said Texas was not entitled to pursue the case, saying it “has not shown a legally recognizable interest in how another state conducts its elections.”

“Safeguards Stripped in Us Elections” 18 Rep States’ Attorneys General joint to Texas lawsuit for Trump

In practice, a state can also adopt voting control methods that violate the dictates of the Constitution, as claimed by the applicants in reference to the control of “trifles” such as the authenticity of signatures in postal votes, or employ the suspect software Dominion, which was rejected from Texas because it is considered easily “manipulable”, but this does not interest the judges of the highest federal body of jurisdiction in Washington …

The Show must go on. The Supreme Court does not care if those who managed the elections in those states, where small errors were ascertained by the same electoral inspectors from a few thousand votes wrongly attributed to the democratic candidate Joseph Biden, was not candid as a dove, the important thing is that he was as cunning as a snake.

I admit to being among those who wrote sparingly about the alleged fraud because I found the allegations a bit haphazard and smoky, but before reading the detailed Texas summons on violations of electoral security rules in verifying signatures, in the management of the ballots and the prohibition of access to bipartisan observers in the polling stations.

The Washington Supreme Court building built according to the Hellenistic temple architecture as imposed by Masonic Palladism which influenced the founding confreres of the United States of America

Looking at the Washington building in 1 First St NE where the Supreme Court operates, an emblem of Masonic Palladism dear to the founders of the United States of America such as George Washington (started November 4, 1752 in the “Fredericksburg” Lodge in Virginia, of which he became Master on August 4, 1753), it could already be assumed that the outcome was marked. In fact, the judges, even for the Covid emergency, consulted by telephone as a practice to fix the calendar of hearings, and in a few minutes they issued their fatal refusal.

“It is the gravestone on Donald Trump’s latest illusions (true or false) to overturn Joe Biden’s victory with legal appeals – writes the correspondent from Washington of Italian Newspaper Repubblica – With this rejection of the Supreme Court, the road is definitely paved for the ‘last institutional deadline: this Monday 14th the Electoral College will take note of the results certified by the 50 states and will formally proclaim Biden as the next president of the United States. It is the institutional step that paves the way for Inauguration Day, the settlement Biden White House on January 20. ”

On “Dominion” shady ballots-counter Trump Appeals to Supreme Court on “Clinton Software”, rejected by Texas

All true. Unless you consider well founded the specious and disruptive appeal launched by the number one of the Republican party of Texas, Allen West, in a note he called for secession after the decision of the Supreme Court to reject the request aimed at subverting the outcome of the US presidential elections. “Law-abiding states should come together and constitute a Union of States that will respect and always abide by the Constitution,” writes the politician. But the message full of bitterness and disappointment tweeted by Trump after the rejection of the appeal expresses his real state of mind.

UKRAINEGATE, CIA-DEEP STATE’S PLOT AGAINST TRUMP with two whistleblowers and Italian ties

Deep State Won! The occult potentate that brought together former presidents Barack Obama of the Blue and George W. Bush of the Red in the all-out war against the uncontrollable Trump, which began with the fake RussiaGate dossiers, continued with the failed impeachment of UkraineGate (designed by Deep State by the same admission as a former CIA director) and exploded with a pandemic planned for decades and the urban warfare of George Soros-funded Black Lives Matter for a dangerous offender like George Floyd killed by a white cop even too cruel and suspicious , as if it were the execution of a killer aimed at creating the “casus belli” to trigger the pandemonium.

UKRAINEGATE: an investigative “memo” accuses Joe Biden and John Kerry too. Reopened the inquiry

Trump may complain about his aggressive and bloodthirsty international policy that has made him an Obama-like criminal in Syria and Venezuela. And worse than him in the premeditated assassination of General Qassem Soleimani, commander of the special team Force Quds of the Iranian Pasdaran.

These actions perpetrated to gain the consent of the extremist hawks of the Grand Old Party did not turn out to be sufficient when the Deep State “intelligence” pulled out of the hat a puppet built by the New World Order like the fixer Biden, with his hands stained with the blood of the coup of the 2014 in Kiev and shady bribes taken by his son Hunter in Ukraine and China. Circumstances that make him the ideal puppet because he can be blackmailed since his inauguration in the White House.

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But these acts, together with a management of migrants from Mexico not only based on the rigor but also on the cruelty of the detention of children, have clouded the sacred Christian aura brought as a dowry by his deputy Mike Pence, an expression of the powerful and radiant world of Pentecostal evangelicals.. Because it makes no sense to fight against abortion if you then kill an Iranian enemy officer in cold blood just because he is the leader of a national paramilitary organization that is venerated by Tehran but considered terrorist by Washington, or, much worse still, lets himself die of sore throat a 10-year-old Guatemalan girl at the border while in custody of the Ice anti-immigration services.

But after all, Trump was not even supposed to become the head of the world’s largest armed force. He was mistakenly chosen by that powerful Republican wing of the Deep State who nominated him in 2016 to make him lose: convinced that his ruddy face, his rough manners, and his orange hair could not defeat the perfect candidate of the warmongering and vaccinating globalist elite Hillary Clinton.


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Fabio G.C. Carisio

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