Elbit’s Israeli tycoon awarded by B’nai B’rth Freemasonry
and by the United Kingdom Queen Elisabeth II
despite the production of white phosphorus rockets
and the hackaging of international journalist with spywares

___di Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio ___

If the Israeli arms market has grown considerably worldwide, as highlighted in the previous report ( link at the bottom of the page), the merit is certainly also of the lord of the “spy-killer” drones launched to conquer the USA.

An Israeli tycoon awarded by both the Zionist Masonic lodge B’nai B’rith of Washington and the University of Jerusalem, but also honored with the British imperial title MBE by Queen Elizabeth II in 2014, despite its multitude of weapons, Elbit Systems, had ended up in the spotlight of human rights activists both for the production of deadly white phosphorus rockets, similar to those used by the Israel Defense Forces in the Gaza Strip in 2008-2009, and for the sophisticated devices provided to the Tel Aviv government for military activities in the West Bank that would also be used for espionage and hacking of international journalists through commercial spyware.

His name is Michael Federmann, born in 1943, and through Federmann Enterprises Ltd he controls 45.8% of the international holding Elbit System which is expanding at supersonic speed in the global defense landscape thanks to electronic devices, drones and aerospace military technologies but above all to synergies with the army of Israel and that of the United States, of which it is one of the main suppliers.

Federmann, owner of the luxury hotel chain Dan Hotel, joined Elbit when his company El-Op merged with it in 1998, benefiting from the global growth of the UAV market, the unmanned aircraft, but bringing the corporation to a 700% increase in turnover over the last twenty years, mainly thanks to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and US presidents George Bush, Barack Obama and Donald Trump, the international relations and war policies in the Middle East .

The admiral drone of the UAV Elbit fleet: the Hermes 900 with a 15-meter wingspan is used for reconnaissance and surveillance, but thanks to the lower opening it can be transformed into a killer plane

The Admiral drone of the Elbit fleet, the Hermes 900 is, like the smaller 450, an unmanned spy plane that officially arises from reconnaissance and surveillance. But it can also turn into a deadly weapon. It can be equipped with an electromagnetic coupling system and has a lower compartment with a load capacity of 300 kg, which can therefore also accommodate an explosive device.

The advanced model Kochav (star) of the Israel Defense Forces is equipped for the transport of “non-disclosed specialized payloads”: that is, translated from the politically correctdiplomatic language, any secret equipment but also bombs which can transform the reconnaissance aircraft into a killer drone. Remaining secret loads such as UAV movements, the manufacturer can therefore be said to be formally extraneous to any offensive use …

The Elbit multinational company in 2018 has a turnover in the defense sector of 3.377 million dollars, ranking 27th in the world ranking in which it will make a further leap in 2019 thanks to the purchase of IMI Systems, the Israel Military Industries ceded by the Tel government Aviv with a turnover of 611 thousand dollars, and the acquisition of the Night Vision sector of the great US corporation Harris through Elbit Systems of America which can count on numerous factories in the North American continent where it controls 100% other six companies in the sector.

The headquarters of Elbit Systems in Haifa’s Matam Hi-Tech Park in Israel

The holding has its headquarters in Haifa in Israel and has 7 other subsidiaries in that country, and from there it has spread like wildfire around the world: in Europe as in South America and even in Oceania and Asia.

Elbit Ltd is listed on the Tel Aviv (TASE) and New York (NASDAQ) stock exchanges and is known worldwide not only for the production of sophisticated Hermes 450 and 900 drones but, thanks to many years of experience in electronic and optical automation, since 2006 also for the Silver Marlin, a small 10-meter unmanned and remote-controlled vessel, aimed at reconnaissance missions with satellite communication equipment but equipped with small armaments, used by the Israeli and American navies. The most advanced new model is the Seagull, launched in 2016, capable of launching torpedo diving missiles.

The small boat Elbit Systems Seagull Unmanned Surface Vessel (USV) successfully tested a torpedo in trials off the coast of Haifa, Israel on 28 June 2016 – photo Galina Kantor

In addition to producing multiple electronic devices for counter-espionage and cyber-sabotage, facilitated by futuristic geolocation systems, the Israeli corporation creates countless military aviation equipment which in 2014 enabled it to win the supply of Apache Aviator integrated helmets for the squadron of US Air Force helicopters.

The production of Elbit also includes military aircraft, systems for land vehicles; command, control and communication machinery (C4I) computer and electro-optical control systems but also electronic war and signaling devices. It also provides commercial training and security services, through company contractors.


The biggest blow Elbit scored on November 25, 2018, signing the acquisition of control of the Israeli national IMI Systems last November thanks to an offer of 500 million dollars: of which 495 million to be paid between 2020 and 2022 and another 27 million on condition that IMI reaches the agreed performance targets.

The signing ceremony was attended by the General Accountant of the Ministry of Finance, Rony Hizkiyahu, the head of the Authority of governmental companies (GCA) Yanki Koint, the Director-General of the Ministry of Defense Udi Adam, the head of the Israeli land authority Adiel Shimron, the majority shareholder of Elbit Systems and president Michael Federman and Bezhalel Machlis, CEO of Elbit Systems Bezhalel Machlis.

Elbit administrators and Israeli government officials celebrate the signing of IMI’s purchase by the Haifa corporation on November 25, 2018

“This is an important day for the defense industries in Israel – Finance Minister Moshe Kahlon commented in the Israeli media – The privatization of IMI systems will contribute to the Israeli economy in various ways: upgrading of defense industries and improving the competitiveness of the defense exports, creation of a society of independence and end of dependence on the state coffers, creation of thousands of jobs in the Negev and in Galilee, evacuation of land in areas of building demand by young couples. The state of Israel and its citizens will benefit from this move in the coming years ».

The agreements are in fact also tied to the evacuation of the areas of Ramat Hasharon and Tirat Hacarmel, to allow the construction of 30 thousand residential units, as well as the creation of plants in the Ramat Beka area in the Negev, which will promote employment and development in this sector. Furthermore, the contract provides that the Ministry of Defense remains the main customer of IMI Systems products.

The Elbit ammunition catalog on the official IMI Systems website – Israeli Military Industries

“In the process of privatization of IMI, the Ministry of Defense ensured the preservation of fundamental classified assets within a government company – Udi Adam, the Director-General of the Ministry of Defense, declared – The entry of IMI into Elbit will guarantee the preservation of a unique knowledge in Israel for the benefit of the IDF, the Israeli defense and the Israeli economy “.

“The synergy between the two companies’ capabilities will allow us to offer an enhanced portfolio and to realize the potential of IMI’s technologies in the international arena, making this acquisition significant for our long-term growth strategy”, commented Bezhalel Machlism CEO of Elbit.

But Elbit’s own strategies to support the Israel Defense Forces in the occupied territories and disputed disputes with Palestine in Cisgiornardia (West Bank), had in the past caused the flight of important European shareholders. Now let’s see in detail who is the tycoon that sanctioned the rise and success of the most important Israeli arms holding company.


Michael Ilan Yoel “Mikey” Federmann was born on 9 September 1943 in Haifa da Bella and Yekutiel “Ksil” Federmann, brother of Irit Federmann-Landau. He holds a degree in economics and state studies and then a master’s degree in business administration from the Hebrew University.

He served in the Israeli army’s elite unit Sayeret Matkal, where he was a member of the Ehud Barak unit. Mikey and his wife Leora have 3 children, David, Gidi and Daniel who is married to Sharona Pick, daughter of Svika Pick and Quentin Tarantino’s sister-in-law.

Michael Federmann, the Israeli tycoon of the Dan Hotel chain and the arms and defense multinational Elbit System

From 2002, Federmann became the owner of the Israeli conglomerate Federmann Enterprises Ltd, which was started by his deceased father and uncle.

Today he chairs the boards of directors of his two largest publicly traded holdings: the luxury hotel chain Dan Hotels Corp and the armament and defense equipment holding company Elbit Systems, of which it holds 45.8% of the shares and in which they have invested primary international funds like  the American The Vanguard Group, shareholder in 15 other arms multinationals .

The board and shareholders of the Elbit Systems corporation of Haifa listed on the Tel Aviv (Tase) and New York (Nasdaq) stock exchanges

Already in 2010, Federmann was ranked 7th richest in Israel’s top 100 in the Maariv newspaper with an estimated wealth of Shekel 6.5 billion (about $ 1.4 billion). In that year he had been classified n. 721 in the list of Forbes billionaires although in the following years, also due to the strong investment in the skies, it came out of the list of the first 1000.

But on the other hand, it boasts a wealthy collection of international honors. In 1996, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem awarded him an honorary doctorate while in 2005 he received the award for the Israeli electronics industry.

In June 2014 he received the prestigious MBE award – Member of the Order of the British Empire – from Queen Elizabeth II on the occasion of her birthday “For services to commercial cooperation between Great Britain and Israel and prosperity in the United Kingdom”.

In addition to being president of the Board of Directors of Elbit Systems and Dan Hotels, he is also Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and a member of the board of directors of the prestigious Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot.



This academic center of scientific and pharmacological research was founded by the well-known Israeli chemist and politician Charles Weizmann, leader of the World Zionist Organization from 1920 to 1931 and the first President of the Republic of Israel which he wanted and founded by virtue of legitimacy to the Jewish settlement in Palestine by the British Empire.

A right sanctioned by the Balfour Declaration of 1917 obtained by Weizmann after talks with Baron Walter Rothschild, eldest son of Baron Nathan (1840-1915), I British baron Rothschild and great-grandson of the Ashkenazi Jewish banker Mayer Amschel Bauer (1744-1812), forefather of the Red Shield financial dynasty,see report The Holocaust of Communist Masons ).

The leader of the Zionist movement Charles Weizman, Israel’s first president and inventor of the explosive cordite used as a deflower in the Little Boy atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima from the US next to a section of the bomb

Weizmann, along with Albert Einstein contributed to the birth of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem but also, like the studies of the famous German physicist on relativity and radioactivity, to the atomic bomb thrown on Japan, during the Second World War.

In the bomb dropped on Hiroshima, called “Little Boy” by the US Army. to unleash the nuclear conflagration of U-235 uranium pieces in the metal cylinder the cordite invented by Weizmann, former director of the British Admiralty laboratories during the First World War, was used as the primary detonating element; cordite is an explosive based on nitroglycerin which until then had been used only for the launching of ammunition especially in naval artillery.


It must be remembered that Einstein’s contribution to the atomic was not only theoretical as it was he who wrote a letter to American President Franck Delano Roosevelt to point out the risk of a possible German bomb created with the principle of nuclear fission, at the request of the Hungarian scientists who fled to the United States of America Leó Szilárd and Eugene Wigner, who later became, with the Italian Enrico Fermi and others, the Manhattan Project researchers in the Los Alamos laboratories for the construction of the two bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki which at least 200 thousand died.



In the light of these historical connections the lord of arms Michael Federmann will surely have been flattered to have received in 2017 the international prize of the Zionist Masonic lodge B’nai B’rith of Washington of which Einstein was also a brother; while Roosevelt was the 33rd grade of the Supreme Council of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of the Washington Mother Lodge as his successor to the US president Harry Truman who ordered the use of atomics against the Japanese.

To explain the importance of the recognition given to the Israeli is the same BB lodge in Washington in the event posts on his Facebook page: “This is the first time that we honor someone with this prize in Israel”.

Michael Federmann receiving the award from the B’nai B’rith Masonic Lodge on November 9, 2017, at his own Dan Hotel in Tel Aviv

In honor of the Haifa tycoon, in fact, the American and world members of the congregation on November 8th moved to the Dan Hotel in Tel-Aviv where the historic dinner for Federmann was awarded of the Distinguished Humanitarian Award, given to the people who have shown dynamic leadership through a commitment to philanthropy and the communities they serve.

It matters little if this happened thanks to the proliferation of a defense systems and weapons industry. But this event takes on a further historical significance: in fact it took place in the year of the 300th anniversary of the foundation of the Grand Lodge of London, the Great Lodge of England which influenced the policies of the United Kingdom and the British Empire from the USA up to Israel. I wonder if it’s just a case …

The certificate of membership issued by the Zionist Masonic Lodge B’nai B’rith of Washington

The Independent Order B’nai B’rith or Bené Berith (in Hebrew: בני ברית, “children of the alliance”) is a Jewish lodge born in 1843 during the presidency of John Tyler and still existing and active. His “official” mission is to give charity to the poor but in fact, work to support Zionist policies. “It was founded at the Sinsheimer Café, in the Wall Street neighborhood, in New York, by Henry Jones and eleven other people on October 13th, 1843 – Wikipedia reports – The original name was in German” Bundes-Brueder “(which means” League of brothers ”), in the current one that preserves the initials (“ BB ”). Most of the founders were German Jews “or Ashkenazis like the Rothschild lineage.

The organization participates in numerous activities to promote Jewish rights (assistance in hospitals and disaster victims, prizes for students of Jewish schools) and fights anti-Semitism through its Center for Human Rights and Public Policy.

In addition to his social activities, B’nai B’rith is also a supporter of the State of Israel, founded, as mentioned, not by the heirs of the Israelites but by the Ashkenazi Zionist descendants of the Kazari, as already illustrated in the report Lobby of Weapons 2 on Tel Aviv’s military affairs.

BB International awards several prizes including the President’s Gold Medal, awarded to honor the commitment to the State and the People of Israel. Among the winners: David Ben Gurion, George HW Bush, and Golda Meir. With AIPAC he started the “BBYO 4 Israel” initiative (B’nai B’rith Youth Organization for Israel) in 2002.


There is also a Filiazian Canadian founded in 1875 and is the oldest Jewish association of volunteers in the country. “In recent years it has opposed the Canadian Jewish Congress (CJC) as the voice of the Canadian Jewish community and is considered the most conservative of the two. B’nai Brith Canada (BBC) is also considered closer to Likud than the CJC, officially neutral with respect to Israeli politics “. It always detects Wikipedia. In Italy there is Benè Berith, present with three sections in Rome, Milan and Livorno. The organization participates in numerous initiatives ranging from the promotion of cultural activities to charity and welfare. For the usual curious coincidence, the tycoon of the powerful defense holding just rewarded by BB is weaving constructive business relations also with Italy.


«After the rumors of yesterday, today the Ministry of Defense of Israel – from” Twitter “- has formalized the initials of the order of 7 Leonardo AW-119 Koala helicopters from Italy in an agreement of about 350 million dollars which also includes maintenance for 20 years of aircraft.At the same time, Italy should buy Elbit Systems simulators to train helicopter pilots, which, according to the Israeli press, could also be added to the Spike anti-tank missiles produced by Rafael – writes the AvioNews website – An important victory for the Italian industry and for Leonardo who was selected to supply the new training aircraft to the Israeli armed forces beating the competition of Bell and Airbus, which will be the three competitors also in the tender announced by the US Navy that the Italian company will participate with the same AW-119. This first victory for Leonardo could also be positive for the most important competition, economically speaking, in the United States».

The AW 119 Koala helicopter produced by the Italian state-controlled Leonardo war industry

In this regard, two important international interactions should not be forgotten. It should be remembered that, as revealed in the previous report Lobby delle Armi 1, the American investment fund BlackRock, founded and chaired by New York Zionist Larry Fink, is also a shareholder of the Italian war industry Leonardo ( which we discuss in report on Lobby of Weapons 4: Europe).

WEAPONS LOBBY – 4. UK and Italy in the hands of Qatar’s Muslim Brotherhood: Rothschild partner and Jihadists’ funder

And it should not be forgotten that the Undersecretary at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Guglielmo Picchi, foreign policy consultant of the vice Premier Matteo Salvini (Lega), in addition to being an expectant executive of the Barclays banking group, in turn, participated by Black Rock, is also known for his excellent relations with the US as with Israel.

Elbit herself had already worked in Italy thanks to a contract with Elettronica SpA for the supply of the ELT / 572 DIRCM (Directed Infra-Red Countermeasures) system to various Italian Air Force platforms.



But Elbit’s activity can be considered widespread on an international scale and consolidated especially in North America where it owns several US companies through its American subsidiary Elbit Systems of America (ESA). Offices, development and engineering facilities, production facilities and maintenance facilities are located in various states and occupy approximately 153 acres of land owned by the US branch without considering leased areas in Massachusetts.

Among the companies in the group, the EFW is mentioned in Fort Worth, Texas (home to the ESA office) which produces various components for F-16, V-22 and Bradley Fighting Vehicle. In Alabama the corporation controls IEI in Talladega while in New Hampshire it owns Kollsman Inc. at Merrimack, a company founded in 1928 by Paul Kollsman, who invented barometers and instrument flight on airplanes, which became Boeing’s subcontractor on SBInet, a high-tech security system for the US-Mexico border, developed in collaboration with the US National Security Department. He also owns Talla-Com in Florida, Innovative Concepts Inc. (ICI) in Virginia, UAS Dynamics in South Carolina, M7 Aerospace in Texas, VSI in California (in a 50% joint venture with Rockwell Collins).

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu increasingly close ally in US geopolitical war strategies Donald Trump

In practice, the American branch of the Israeli multinational is “raking” all the small suppliers of the stars and stripes war industry to consolidate itself in the market as a leading supplier for the State Department. In October 2014, Elbit Systems won a $ 12.7 million contract to supply and supply Apache Aviator integrated helmets for the US Army fleet of helicopters.

On March 22, 2018, Elbit Systems and Universal Avionics announced today that Elbit was completing the acquisition of US-based Universal Avionics Systems Corporation [UASC]. While in 2019 the ESA holding company of the Federmann tycoon acquired the core business of the night vision business of Harris Corp. for $ 350 million.

The agreement is conditional upon the completion of the merger proposed by Harris with L3 Technologies and the fulfillment of the various bureaucratic conditions but represents a further evolution for the Israeli corporation as Harris Night Vision, based in Roanoke, Virginia, is one of the main developers, producers and suppliers of night vision technologies for the United States and allied military and security forces and for the federal national security market.

“The market position and technological strength of Harris Night Vision make this acquisition significant for our long-term growth strategy, with a particular focus on the United States,” said Bezhalel (Butzi) Machlis,


Thanks to all these acquisitions, Elbit Systems of America participates in US FMF programs. These programs require that countries, including Israel, receive military aid from the United States to use the funds to buy products containing mainly components of American origin. ESA also adheres to sales programs for foreign military products (FMS) in the US.


In Romania, the Israeli corporation employs 400 employees in four subsidiary companies and was awarded the contract for the installation of advanced electronic systems on the C-130 transport aircraft of the Romanian Air Force.

Finally, in the United Kingdom, since 2005 Elbit has formed a joint venture with the French company Thales for the development of the UAV Tactical Systems Ltd (U-TacS) technologies on the British Army Watchkeeper WK450 drone. In 2007, also in Great Britain, Elbit acquired Ferranti Technologies (Group) Limited.

A UAV Hermes 450 drone produced by the Elbit System

But the global expansion strategy of Federmann’s holding company has been oriented towards the entire planet. In Brazil, it purchased Ares Aeroespecial and Defesa and Periscopio Equipamentos Optronicos. In April 2011, Embraer entered into a strategic agreement with AEL Sistemas SA (“AEL”), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Elbit Systems since 2001, to promote the introduction and use of Elbit Systems Hermes 450 UAVs in the service of Brazilian aviation.

In the Philippines, the Israeli corporation won its first contract for the supply of reinforced armored transport tanks to the Philippine armed forces in June 2014. The upgrade included unmanned 25 mm turrets, remote-controlled weapons stations (RCWS) of 12, 7 mm and fire protection systems (FCS)) for 90 mm turrets.

Thanks to the Remote Control Weapons System (RWS) designed by Elbit Systems the turrets are electronically controlled and can be configured with various types of cannons (25 mm / 30 mm), coaxial machine guns (7.62 mm) and guided anti-tank missiles. It also has subsidiaries also in Australia and India.

All companies of the Elbit System holding company

Azerbaijan has become an important strategic advantage for Israel’s security and foreign affairs: it is, in fact, the second-largest importer of weapons from the small Middle Eastern country after India. Already in 2010, trade between the two countries created a business of over 2 billion dollars, twice the trade between Azerbaijan and Turkey.

Israel also provides Azerbaijan’s advanced military equipment and helps form its army. As part of the cooperation between the two states, Israeli defense systems manufacturer Elbit Systems recently opened an office in the former Soviet republic and is planning to build a joint drone production plant.


But this swirling expansion favored by the aggressive international political strategies of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has had repercussions both of image and financial for the tycoon holding company Federmann especially for the activities developed with the Israel Defense Forces and the Government of Tel Aviv in the West Bank.


On September 3, 2009, the ethics board of the Norwegian Pension Fund decided to sell the holdings in Elbit due to the companies providing surveillance systems for the barrier of the Israeli West Bank.

“We do not want to finance companies that contribute directly to violations of international humanitarian law,” Finance Minister Kristin Halvorsen declared. A similar initiative was taken by a Swedish pension fund and by the German Deutsche Bank which announced that it had sold all its shares, apparently due to pressure from anti-Israeli and pro-Palestinian organizations.



The American Elbit Report document certifying the production of white phosphorus mortar ammunition

The information that caused the most confusion emerged from the 2012 consolidated financial statements filed with the US Securities and Exchange Commission as required by US legislation for each government contractor. In the presentation of its competences under the heading “Systems for artillery guns and mortars,” we read that Elbit System Ltd “develops and supports a type of ammunition for white phosphorus mortar (WP), smoke bombers and illuminating bombs”.

The Chemical Weapons Convention (CAC, 13 January 1993) does not consider white phosphorus a chemical weapon, although some countries do. In recent years, the United States and Israel have used white phosphorus in combat: neither country has in fact ratified Protocol III against the incendiary weapons of the Convention on certain conventional weapons.

A Palestinian boy desperately burned from soft tissue burns caused by white phosphorus

«White phosphorus in contact with oxygen in the air produces phosphorus pentoxide generating heat. Phosphorus pentoxide reacts violently with compounds containing water and dehydrates them by producing phosphoric acid. The heat developed by this reaction burns the remaining part of the soft tissue.

The result is the complete destruction of organic tissue »says Wikipedia. It is used in phosphorus incendiary bombs, which, according to international conventions, can only be used for lighting purposes to scare off enemies or to hide their troops behind a smokescreen, which in any case produces pollutants and toxic fine particles. In US military parlance it is known as Willy Pete: also abbreviated in WP – White Phosphorus.

Palestinian civilians fleeing white phosphorus bombs rained down near a United Nations school in Beit Lahia, northern Gaza Strip on January 17, 2009

“White phosphorus was used in 2006 by Israel against military targets in Lebanon and in Operation Cast Lead. In both cases the use of the substance was first denied, then admitted by the Israeli military forces, specifying however that the use was part of the legitimate methods of use – recalls Wikipedia citing authoritative sources – In the operation “Cast Lead”, however, from videos and articles from the Guardian and CNN it appears that the population was hit by bombings, with damage to civilians who also used schools, hospitals, kindergartens and hospices as a refuge ».

The Israeli forces, however, also bombed structures in which children were also present and for this reason, the UN Security Council started an investigation also following the destruction of the UN headquarters through the use of this type of weapon: the investigation concluded that Israel actually used white phosphorus-based missiles.

The same bullets were also used during the December 2008 and January 2009 attacks in the Gaza Strip, as found by Amnesty International researchers including weapons expert Cristopher Cobb-Smith.

A person killed in Palestine due to suspected white phosphorus burns

Among the areas most affected by white phosphorus was the headquarters of UNRWA, the UN refugee agency in Gaza City, attacked by Israeli forces on January 15, 2009. Also that day, white-phosphorus-impregnated bombs hit also the al-Quds hospital in Gaza City, causing a fire that forced medical staff to evacuate patients.

This is why the inclusion of the offer of white phosphorus mortar ammunition in the range of products of a multinational specialized in electronic devices such as Elbit aroused bewilderment. Moreover, there is not the slightest evidence that it was this multinational that supplied WP bombs for the Operation Cast Lead to the Israeli army, but being one of its most important and trusted military partners, the suspect remains …

One of the white phosphorus bombs launched on the Gaza Strip by the Israeli army

Federmann’s holding company ended up in a storm of controversy even recently, on December 6, 2017, when Citizenlab published a detailed report on how Ethiopian dissidents and journalists in the United States, the United Kingdom, and other countries were taken of aims from sophisticated commercial spyware, sold and managed by Cyberbit, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Elbit Systems. In response to a request from Human Rights Watch on the subject, Cyberbit did not deny selling this type of technology but rejected the responsibility for its possible abuse by its customers.

The sense of the answer can be this: “We produce deadly poisons but we are not responsible for those who use them”. It matters little if they are the American secret agents of the CIA, thanks to supplies to the US, or even more ruthless than the Israeli Mossad rather than the IDF army in Tel Aviv. The native tycoon of Haifa has now extended, like a dangerous black widow, its spider web in many NATO countries and in others of South America and Asia.

The business of his Lobby of Arms is such and so many that it has even won him the illustrious recognition of the Zionist Masons of the B’nai B’rith lodge for his humanitarian efforts: he is, in fact, demonstrating to the world that the little Ashkenazi stock became famous thanks the Rothschilds can control not only the international finance but also the military apparatuses through defense/offense systems of which it holds the know-how together with all their secrets. One thing can really make Federmann and partners terror: peace in the world!








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Fabio G.C. Carisio