WUHAN-GATES 18 – Vip’s Nightclub Billionaire in Sardinia Hit by Sars-2 Bio-Weapon. Intel source: “Used BugBot Nano Drones”

WUHAN-GATES 18 – Vip’s Nightclub Billionaire in Sardinia Hit by Sars-2 Bio-Weapon. Intel source: “Used BugBot Nano Drones”


by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio

Versione originale in Italiano

“Their goal is not to make the economy work, but to remain in power: even at the cost of bringing the country to a peak. The truth is that the coronavirus is the life insurance of this government, because when people are afraid they do not react “.

On June 28, the entrepreneur Flavio Briatore, former F1 manager with the Benetton and Renault teams, declared these sentences by shooting against the States General (political summit behind closed doors and without journalists in Villa Pamphili with international guests) held in Rome and very strongly wanted by the Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte supported by the Democratic Party and the 5 Star Movement.

The conference was so armored as to seem similar to the Bilderberg meetings or the Masonic gatherings of the Supreme Council of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite also because it ended with the summer solstice (June 21) to which the confreres confer great esoteric value.

Sunday evening, August 24, Briatore was hospitalized at the San Raffaele hospital in Milan, where he presented himself for the hassles of prostatitis, as he was found positive for Covid-19 just like 58 employees of his exclusive nightclub in Costa Smeralda, the famous Billionaire of Porto Cervo. In the same locality, the owner of another famous Jet Set club, the Sottovento, was also infected but asymptomatic.

Both had argued against the closure of public establishments ordered by the Sardinian local authorities in compliance with the Prime Minister’s Decree for the pandemic emergency, extended until October 15 in Italy despite the new cases of infected people being reduced to a few hundred for day (including a good percentage of illegal immigrants) and the daily deaths for weeks do not exceed ten (much less than those from road accidents, cardiovascular diseases, tumors or other). The famous former footballer, now Bologna coach, Sinisa Mihajlovic also positive after returning from a holiday in Sardinia where he was photographed with Briatore.

Those who still unwittingly believe in the natural origin of SARS-CoV-2, so called because it is similar to the 2003 strain of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, will think of the umpteenth incredible sequence of coincidences …

WUHAN-GATES – 12. MI6 British Intelligence former Head: “SARS-2 Built in Bio-Lab”. Pics and Proofs of HIV Tests



Who, like us, has written 27 reportages to highlight the research of 15 scientists (and the opinion of a former director of MI6, the British counter-intelligence) who have defined this virus a Genetically Modified Organism built in the laboratory as part of biological engineering experiments “Dual-use”, with the purpose of vaccine or bacteriological weapon, considers this story perfectly grafted into an international pkot of social terrorism for the global immunization plan sponsored by Bill Gates and former President Barack Obama for the lucrative profits of the Big Pharma, controlled by the same shareholders of the Weapons Lobby.

WUHAN-GATES – 10. SHADY PLOT: EU Summit with 4 Gates’ NGO, Big Pharma & FB before Pandemic (SARS-2 built with HIV)

If those who produce vaccines have to answer to the same financial investors who speculate on the bombs that kill children in Yemen and Syria why should they have a problem using any legitimate means and not just to get rich even on our skin?

This evil plan, as suggested by Briatore himself, is aimed at keeping Italy in a state of emergency to guarantee the Democrats the government of a country meanwhile the Italians, according to recent polls, are 50% sided with the center-right (Lega and Fratelli d’Italia) and, above all, they look with suspicion the 10 vaccines already imposed in school age by the previous Gentiloni government (PD) in the intertwining between the donors Dem George Soros and Bill Gates with GlaxoSmithKline, one of the Big Pharma with a long curriculum criminal, heavily embroiled in Covid-19 research.

COVID-19: Italian Govt under Investigations for Pandemic and Maunslaughter. Therapies Ignored to Promove Vaccines

This is why it becomes easy to think that the Billionaire, a symbol of those rich liberals disliked by the left-wing radical chic ones, could really have been chosen as a target always in the context of this health psycho-drama propaganda for a CoronaVirus that is really lethal only when triggers a serious inflammatory reaction but, as demonstrated by neurologists, virologists, pharmacologists in some of our interviews, it can be easily treated, if caught in time, with cortisone, hyper-immune serum or even prevented with the simple but very powerful South African geranium (Perlargoium Sidoides) in the past used to heal TBC patients, so far never tested by any hospital but promoted by a luminary of pulmonology.

Cortisone Defeated Covid-19: Oxford confirmed Italian Neurologist’s Therapy Negleted. How many Deaths for WHO Faults?

“Flavio Briatore’s conditions are absolutely stable and good and he is keen to thank him for the many manifestations of affection and interest in his health received in these hours”: this is what we read in a note from Flavio Briatore’s staff. “This press release informs that Flavio Briatore on Sunday evening, accusing a slight fever and symptoms of fatigue, went to the San Raffaele Hospital in Milan for a check-up. The entrepreneur was hospitalized, underwent a general check-up and remains under medical supervision “, explains the note cited by Italian press agency ANSA.


The health case, therefore, should have a smooth evolution for the tycoon of Fomula 1 who in 1997, after having been commercial director of the Benetton team (the family that owns Atlantia and therefore of Autostrade per l’Italia spa, which manages the motorway network), by selling its shares, it financed its new Supertec project.

The company of 200 employees became the main engine supplier to Formula One teams between 1998 and 2000 boasting clients such as Benetton, Williams, British American Racing and Arrows. In the same year the Billionaire opened in Porto Cervo, which has become the exclusive Jet Set venue and a leading brand in luxury services.

Flavio Briatore with the driver Fernando Alonso

But it is with Renault that Briatore has established himself as a successful F1 strategist. First he orchestrated the French carmaker’s purchase of the Benetton team by becoming CEO of the Renault F1 team which he drove to world success. In 2005 Fernando Alonso won the World Driver title and the team snatched the World Constructors title. The same impressive result was repeated in 2006, with the Renault F1 taking the titles of both championships. After a long lawsuit dispute with the FIA ​​(won with compensation) he distanced himself from racing.

In 2012 Briatore opened the prestigious Cipriani Monte Carlo and in 2013 he completed an ambitious project, Billionaire Resort, a luxury apartment complex in Malindi, on the Kenyan coast. Twiga Monte Carlo opened in 2014, followed in 2016 by Sumosan Twiga in London and Billionaire in Dubai. In 2017 Briatore, in collaboration with LVHM, added the historic Cova MonteNapoleone to the Billionaire Life portfolio, opening the famous Milan “pastry shop” in Monte Carlo.

WUHAN-GATES – 4. “Covid-19 manipulated, CHINA-US Hidden Affair”. Class-Action for Bio-Weapon in Texas

His hospitalization at San Raffaele in Milan has aroused contradictory reactions on social media, contrasting those who wished him the worst luck to those who expressed the wishes of a speedy recovery.

But his case has also created havoc in the circles of the 007 where bizarre hypotheses have circulated but far from discarding, given the role played by the American government agency USAID, operational tool of the Central Intelligence Agency, in financing the Whuan laboratory for research on the recombinant SARS GMO virus infected with HIV, just as claimed by world-renowned researchers such as virologist Luc Montagnier and bio-engineer Pierre Bricage, former NATO consultant.

WUHAN-GATES – 9. THE PROOFS: HIV inserted in SARS chimeric virus in 2007. Thanks to Australian & EU Commission Funds

Similar experiments in China had received the contributions of the EPISARS 2004 plan from the European Commission chaired by Romano Prodi (later prime minister in Italy with the Democrats PD) as revealed by Gospa News.

That is why where the CIA’s hidden hand is present, even the most sensational indiscretions must at least be reported, especially if they come from a former geopolitics consultant for various generals of the Carabinieri who had strategic roles in the secret services.


The note comes from a former officer of SISMI (past Italian Military secret service). If we were not absolutely sure of the international experience of our source who received the alert, we would not have reported the issue in prominence.

«Very confidential sources have documented a bacteriological attack in Flavio Briatore’s club in Sardinia carried out using nano-drones. Air Force Bugbot Nano Drones are increasingly being used by the United States for military purposes. They have the shape of insects, but they are mechanical, able to sneak stealthily and infect environments with airborne viruses».

CoronaVirus BioWeapon – 2. Intel sources: «Spread by CIA with nano-Uav» as Cyber-DragonflEye. Alert in Iran and Italy

It is too early to be able to believe this hypothesis reliable. But it recalls the same dynamics of spread of the virus on the “CIA nano-drones” already reported by the intelligence of a foreign country to another of our sources of international scope very close to Russia, which came into contact with us thanks to the geopolitics site American military Veterans Today, founded by marines veterans of Vietnam and former CIA officers, with whom we collaborate for Italy and the Mediterranean area.

Research on Micro Air Vehicles started by the Air Force Research Laboratory in the US as early as 2007

On the other hand, it is absolutely certain that the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL), in collaboration with the contractor General Dynamics (international defense corporation) and other partners, has already developed many projects, including the spy-dove, advertised on an official AFRL video of the Pentagon (the US Department of Defense) and inserted in another very detailed one by an anonymous youtuber about MAV, Micro Air Vehicles.


As extensively described on the official website of the Air Force Research Laboratory, which is headquartered at the Wright-Patterson military base, Ohio, engineers also collaborate with biologists to make drones in the shape of birds and insects, such as the cyber-dragonfly. we already talked about in CoronaVirus Bio-Arma 2, like the bee or the ladybug. So here is the proof of the existence of BugBots and their effectiveness in infiltrating even indoors, as shown in the AFRL video.

«The deadly, insect-sized drones of the future unobtrusive, Invasive, and Lethal are here as depicted in this old video The Air Force is reportedly developing winged drones that can sneak up on a suspected enemy as stealthily as a mosquito – wrote on YouTube the anonymous expert – A law signed by President Barack Obama in February 2012 directs the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to throw American airspace wide open to drones by September 30, 2015. Nano sized Drones Combined With DNA Hacking Could Create A Very Scary Future for the United States in light of a law president Obama signed last year implementing a fleet of at least 30,000 spy drones to spy on small town USA no later than 2015 to spy on Americans».

Pandemic Bio-Weapon – 9. Supervirus Created by US during Obama’s Govt: 89 CoVid Strains in CIA’s Top Secret Tests

It gives the chills to remember that at least two superviruses of the SARS strain, a pathological agent bacteriologically enhanced in the laboratory with the technique of Gain of Function (the same principle of enrichment of uranium for nuclear weapons), were developed in the laboratories of Capitol Hill in the North Carolina University in 2015 in collaboration with the Wuhan Institute of Virology (USAID-CIA project) during the Obama administration.

CORONAVIRUS – 10. The Plot in 100 lines: from CIA Bio-Weapons to New World Order Prophecy

This happened when former CIA Deputy Director Avril Haines was Deputy National Security Advisor, who predicted the CoronaVirus pandemic in 2018 hoping for a new “world order” to counter it and in October 2019 organized the Event 201 exercise to simulate it thanks to funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Too many coincidences …

Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio
no reproduction without authorization – Versione Originale in Italiano






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Fabio G.C. Carisio