Financed the massacres of Paris and Brussels: the Raqqa’s butcher could return free together the other ISIS Foreign Fighters

by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio
The nightmare is about to become reality: many dangerous Foreign Terrorist Fighters (FTF) from ISIS could soon be released if the countries of origin do not accept them. Among them also the so-called “Raqqa butcher” Anwar Haddouchi, a Belgian citizen, who, in addition to being suspected of about 100 beheadings in the city of the Euphrates Valley when it was occupied by the Islamic State, is accused of helping to finance the Paris attacks in 2015 and Brussels in 2016 in which 162 people died.
The threat is implicit in the appeals repeatedly reiterated by the American president Donald Trump for Europe to take charge of the criminals who left the nations of the Old Continent and in the new agreement between the US military and the Syrian Democratic Forces for the management of the approximately 12 thousand prisoners jihadists of Daesh including 2 thousand FTFs, mostly Iraqis but also many Europeans including some Italians.
But now it becomes even more imminent after the announcement by the Interior Ministry of Turkey that it has invaded Rojava, in the north-east of Syria, where most of the detainees in the SDF Kurdish militia jails are located. In recent days the government army of the Islamic dictator Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his mercenaries of the Sunni groups, armed also with the tele-guided TOW missiles supplied by the CIA (as reported in a previous report) bombed some prisons and in particular the detention camp Ain Issa causing the flight of nearly a thousand prisoners between ISIS fighters and their families.
Yesterday, Turkish Interior Minister Suleyman Soylu launched the ultimatum on foreign fighters of the Islamic State to Europe. Turkey “is not the hotel of any ISIS terrorist”, the members of the captured group “will be sent back to their countries of origin”. Leaving Turkey alone to manage the issue “is not only unacceptable, it is irresponsible,” the minister said, criticizing the EU’s migration policy, which proves to have “zero humanity”.

It is really strange to hear the word “humanity” pronounced by the government of Ankara that with the excuse of creating a security zone in the Syrian territory occupied by the Autonomous Administration of Rojava of the depth of 30 km, that Erdogan wanted long 460 km from Afrin to Iraqi border but the agreement with Russia has reduced to 120, it is actually carrying out the genocide of the Kurdish ethnic group, banned in Turkey since the founding of the Republic in 1922.
On the other hand, it is not surprising that Erdogan will release the European jihadists present in the areas occupied by the Turkish militias as they are countless evidence reported in previous articles demonstrates the close connections between Al Qaeda-affiliated terrorists of the Al Nusra Front (now HTS, Hayat Tahrir al-Sham) perched in Idlib, those of Ahrar al Sharqiyyah, mercenaries of the Turkish operation Olive Branch that control Afrin and perpetrators of the assassin ambush of the Kurdish activist Hevrin Khalaf, and Ankara intelligence MIT, accused by a Rojava Information Center dossier of having “recycled” operational ISIS commanders in Deir Ezzor in the Sunni Islamist brigades of the so-called National Front of Liberation invented by Turkey after the failure of the Free Syrian Army (Fsa).
It must also be said, as we will explain better below, that some prisons are so overcrowded that they do not allow prisoners, even simple ISIS supporters, to have a treatment that respects their human dignity.
Raqqa’s Executioner wished Turkish invasion of Rojava to hope for liberation at the beginning of October when he was interviewed by Italian journalists Alberto Marzocchi and Gianni Rosini in a great scoop for Il Fatto Quotidiano. «Everyone wants to be free, that’s normal» Anwar Haddouchi replied to the reporters’ question about his position in front of a possible Turkish military offensive. And his smile was as eloquent as a prophecy…
Much more than his words seasoned with enormous lies and contradictions. First denying that he had ever killed anyone, that he had never been to Raqqa and then declaring that he had seen the killing of a man by an Isis terrorist in that stronghold of the Islamic State.

Haddouchi, whose battle name was Abou Souleyman at the Belgiki also for his Belgian citizenship, was also interviewed last summer by ANF journalists, a Kurdistan media, in a maximum security prison under the control of the Autonomous Administration of North-eastern Syria that Italian journalists have revealed to be the SDF military base of Rmelan, a town in the Hasaka governorate, 70 km from Qamishlo and 30 from Al Malikiyah, a place of strategic detention in that Syrian strip of land that wedges between Turkey and Iraq.
As reported by the Syrian news agency Sana on October 19, as many as 230 foreign Daesh terrorists who had been arrested in Al Malikiya had been transported by “US occupation forces” to Al Shadadi, in the southern countryside of Hasaka, “while an American military helicopter has carried 5 Daesh detainees from the village of al-Adnaniya to Iraq “, where the revolt against the Government is taking on the characteristics of a civil war.

Haddouchi had been captured by the Syrian Democratic Forces in Bagouz on 3 March 2019 and had been in detention for 7 months. The conditional is a must because neither the Rojava Information Center nor the SDF spokespersons, contacted via Twitter, Email and WhatsApp, provide news on individual FTF detainees while they are generous with updates on the numbers of the phenomenon: there are a good 347 raids in recent months chasing ISIS militants concluded with 476 arrests.
An activity that fell by 75% after the aggression of Turkey, as the surveillance of the prisons dropped allowing the repeated episodes of escape following the bombing of the walls.
According to Belgian intelligence, the Executioner of Raqqa would have joined ISIS in 2014 after growing up in a Muslim family of Moroccan origins, therefore adhering to the radical Sunnite Salafite Islam and having worked as a taxi driver in Brussels. He told ANF that he was influenced by Turkish and Moroccan preachers in the mosque he attended in the Belgian capital.
As reported by Il Fatto Quotidiano Abou Souleyman at the Belgiki in 2009 he moved with his wife, the radicalized and his compatriot Julie Maes, to the British city of Birmingham, one of the European hubs of jihadist terrorism.
«During his five-year stay in Britain, the Executioner of Raqqa also received the subsidy for less well-off families. Money that, however, continued to flow into his current account even after he left for Syria in 2014. About 10 thousand pounds (11 thousand euros) with which he financed his stay in the Middle East and probably the group led by Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi» write the Italian FQ jiurnalists.
«We went from Brussels to Istanbul, then from there we went to Antep. With the help of the people who welcomed us to Antep, we crossed the Syrian territory. Although there were Turkish soldiers along the border, we went to Syria without problems. ISIS members, who greeted us on the other side of the border, first took us to a city and then to Jarablus» the former Islamic State fighter confessed.

Haddouchi states that after a brief stay in Jarablus, he was taken to Raqqa where he received military training in a field and where he started living with his family. But “he did not give details of where he fought or what roles he had within ISIS, and when he is reminded that he is known as” the Butcher of Raqqa “he just smiles” writes ANF .
When Raqqa was freed from the SDF, in October 2017, he moved first to Meyadin and then to the Deir Ezzor region even though he was captured in Bagouz. At the Belgiki he admits that ISIS has carried out many massacres against civilians, but stated that they were conducted according to Shari’ah law. Although he served in ISIS for 5 years, he said he regretted coming to Syria and joining ISIS.
«After a few days I realized that life here was not as they had told us. I could not express my opinion, if I had done so I would have been in danger. At that point my bad dream started, my bad dream. I wanted to leave – he also told Italian reporters – but it wasn’t possible. I would have put my life and that of my family at risk, since those who tried to escape were put in prison».
His desire is to return to Belgium with his wife Julie Maes and their two children, who does not know where they are. «I know that I won’t decide where I will be tried. I am a Belgian citizen and I want to go back there with my family. If I were to be tried, I should be tried in Belgium».
An appeal so far fallen on deaf ears like that of other FTF also because on the head of Haddouchi not only the accusation of being the executioner of Raqqa who carried out at least 100 beheadings for devotion to the Black Flag of the Levant but that even heavier, in front of the European and international community, to be one of the financiers of the Paris and Brussels attention.
According to information from the Belgian Ministry of Finance, when he was in Raqqa, the jihadist transferred 3,500 euros from his bank account to Mohammed Abrini, a childhood friend of the Abdeslam brothers who were protagonists of the Paris attacks on 13 November 2015.
«Abrini was later identified as” the man with the hat “: it is he who appears in the images of the surveillance cameras of the Zaventem airport before the bomb attack on 22 March 2016 at the terminal of the Brussels airport. Haddouchi’s money, the Belgian authorities suspect, served to finance ISIS’s attacks in Europe» recalls Il Fatto Quotidiano while ANF points out that because of these implications in 2016, the Belgian government froze his account and his wife’s.
«I don’t know the Belgian terrorists – he says in an interview with Italian journalists – To get here I asked around, I searched the web. I got a mobile number and left as a tourist for Turkey in 2014».

As is known, on November 13, 2015, France fell into the nightmare of terrorism: a series of coordinated attacks at various points in Paris carried out by an ISIS command consisting of nine material executors and supporters killed 130 people and wounded 350.
The most serious massacre took place in the Bataclan theater where the jihadists fired bursts of semi-automatic AK-47 Kalashnikov rifles on the crowd gathered for a concert, before targeting various restaurants and clubs in the historic center of the capital. While three suicide bombers blow up outside the Stade de France during the France-Germany soccer match. It was the worst attack ever in France and the second most serious in Europe after those in Madrid in 2004.
On 22 March 2016, a similar well-planned terrorist action took place in Belgium, in the capital Brussels. In the morning two distinct attacks first struck Zaventem Airport, where two explosions probably occurred from suicide bombers, and then the subway between the stations of Maelbeek and Schuman, a few steps from the European Parliament; the total victims were 32 and over 300 wounded. In the following hours the Islamic State claimed the attack.
Today, due to the inertia of various European Union states, Abou Souleyman at Belgiki risks obtaining freedom for a possible decision by the US and Turkey whether Belgium or the European Union will not intervene.
To explain the reasons for the problem by launching the alarm was in September the report of Syria Study Group (SSG), a Committee for analyzing the critical issues of the civil war, published by the United States Institution of Peace in Washington and developed by academic experts, military commanders and diplomats with the help of foreign governments, associations and NGOs. This is an 80-page dossier prepared by 12 members appointed by the American Congress.
«The more than two thousand ISIS foreign fighters currently in SDF custody represent an important challenge. Several countries, including US allies in Europe, refuse to repatriate their own citizens, in some cases depriving them of citizenship, or are willing to repatriate only select family members. Many of these countries lack the necessary evidence to blame ISIS fighters in national courts; others fear that the fighters can be sentenced only with minor charges and serve short sentences before being released» has written SSG.
«States like Tunisia and Morocco are bringing back the terrorists who left their cities, while Germany has begun to recover women and children. The others, with Great Britain and France in the lead, do not want to know» remarked Il Fatto Quotidiano while the SSG report praised the action of Kosovo, Macedonia and even Italy.
The reference is to the Italian citizen of Moroccan origin, but long resident in Germany, Samir Bougana returned to Italy thanks to a sophisticated and commendable intelligence operation of AISE (the Italian counter-espionage abroad) and taken in charge by the Digos of Brescia who is trying to get from him useful information in the counter-terrorism activity.
«The SDF has neither the capacity nor the will to retain these prisoners indefinitely. The security conditions are minimal both in IDP camps and in pop-up prisons. ISIS has exploited more prisons in Iraq to fuel its rise to power in 2012 and 2013 and is likely to be contemplating a similar strategy in Syria» noted Syrian Study Group.
While the Times in recent weeks has entered one of the largest maximum security prisons where about 5,000 former Islamic State combatants are detained, including many minors, in shocking conditions: crammed into dozens of large cells and without adequate assistance medical.

«The US kept all media out of Syria, hiding terror training camps, secret prisons and years of oil theft. Now this problem is in our hands and it is time to do something with it before it is too late – has written ormer marines and military intelligence expert Gordon Duff, senior editor of the geopolitics and military intelligence site Veterans Today on commenting the disturbing video – One of the prime reasons for the restoration of Syrian sovereignty is for these thousands of prisoners, victims of a fake war, of fake ISIS, to be freed. At this time, the best course of action is that they be turned over to the Syrian government which, under former Minister of Justice, opened their courts and prisons to international inspection».
«The Israeli-Saudi-CIA experiment in forming a nightmare nuclear terror state from the Indus to the Mediterranean must end – adds Duff – Refugees must return, these men must be release…sorted, interviewed, there are some dangerous people here, but for the most part, they belong back to work, or in the Syrian Army but not in prison».
In the next report we will see the story of the most dangerous Foreign Terrorist Fighters of Swiss, Italian, Portuguese and Palestinian citizenship who are likely to return free in a mass release without any discrimination between those who are only suspected of collusion with the Islamic State and the cutthroat militiamen who they fought for the Black Flag and for the elusive Caliph Al Baghdadi, whose death declared by the American president Donald Trump remains shrouded in mystery.
Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio
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