They Were Healthy and Strong… After Covid’s Vaccines Died! Alert on Blood Disorders in EU and US

in the cover image from left:
Gregory Michael, American physician, Annamaria Mantile, Italian teacher, Stefano Paternò, Italian Navy’s soldier Italy, Davide Villa, Italian policeman
by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio
Versione originale in Italiano
The death toll after vaccinations of anti-Covid19 sera in Europe is unknown. Unfortunately, on the EudraVigilance website, only the fatal outcomes of some diseases that could be partly connected to the same people are reported. Therefore the number of 2,787 fatal cases calculated in recent days by Gospa News on the basis of serious adverse reactions is indicative but purely hypothetical.
Why the pharmacovigilance site to which the European Medicine Agency (EMA) has relied does not report the simple figure of the number of deaths in fact hiding it among 34,773 undesirable effects of considerable severity (deaths, patients not yet healed, healed with consequences and completely healed)?
This is the first question that highlights a mysterious management of the global vaccination plan, presented by Bill Gates’ NGOs to the European Commission in Brussels on 12 September 2019 even before the coronavirus pandemic, which was already foreseen by the Microsoft tycoon in 2015, broke out. in the period in which he was financing in Wuhan and in other biological laboratories the very dangerous “dual use” experiments (bacteriological weapon and vaccine) on SARS of 2003 and MERS of 2012, close relatives of SARS-Cov-2 also in the name that indicates a Syndrome Severe acute respiratory syndrome in English. These are certainties documented by conspiracy analysis (study of conspiracies) not inventions by conspiracy theorists.
But this is not the time to delve into these disconcerting “coincidences” that emerged from 32 Gospa News investigations on the origin of the pandemic pathogen that authoritative virologists and international intelligence experts believe was built in some laboratory between China, the USA and Canada.
However, some certainties emerge: some people have died despite being healthy and strong before vaccines both in Italy and in Europe and in the USA. And authorities in eight nations blocked the administration of AstraZeneca’s recombinant vector-based serum while the British Medical Journal (BMJ) in London revealed a puzzling case of Pfizer-BioNTech vaccines ‘defective’ due to abnormal messenger RNA ( on which the vaccination action also for Moderna is based) in some doses, however hidden by the manufacturer and by the EMA itself.
Pfizer Covid-Vaccines with “mRNA Flaws” in EU. Company and EMA concealed, but BMJ discovered
This is the time to mention four absolutely emblematic cases of healthy and strong people who died after inoculating one of the anti-Covid vaccines. Before doing so, let’s make a further premise in relation to the transparency of numbers.
The CDC (Center of Disease Control and Prevention) of the United States of America has fearlessly revealed the number of deaths. There are 1,637 deaths after the three vaccines authorized by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) out of a total of 92 million doses which represent a lethality index of 0.018%, very low therefore, but sufficient to induce the relatives of the victims and the CDC to see clearly. Especially in consideration of the North American data referring to the infection by SARS-Cov-2: out of 29.2 million people infected by Covid-19 527 thousand died (it is not known whether with or for Covid, most of them having multiple serious diseases) . This means that mortality in the US is around 1.8%.
Trifles compared to other diseases! Suffice it to say that in the US the rate of new cancer cases (cancer incidence) is 442.4 per 100,000 men and women per year (based on 2013-2017 cases). The cancer death rate (cancer mortality) is 158.3 per 100,000 men and women per year (based on 2013-2017 deaths).
But beyond the numbers there are human lives. That is why we now analyze four truly baffling cases on which major investigations are open. A few weeks ago, the New York Times, a self-righteous newspaper anything but conspiracy theorist, produced alarming, not to say very disturbing, articles.
«For the second time in under a month, The New York Times has published an article about people who developed a rare autoimmune disease after receiving COVID vaccines. Monday’s article (February, 8, 2021) featured two women, both of whom were described as healthy before they received the Moderna vaccine. The women, ages 72 and 48, are now being treated for immune thrombocytopenia (ITP), a condition that develops when the immune system attacks platelets (blood component essential for clotting) or the cells that create them, according to the Times».
This was reported by The Defender, the site managed by the lawyer Robert F. Kennedy jr, son of the former American attorney general his namesake of the former president JFK (both murdered in mysterious circumstances that bring back to the so-called Deep State, the potentate of financiers, Freemasons, politicians, warlords and military secret agents). read more...
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